绿帽183To make your vehicle a truly individual and unique battle machine, you can customize its exterior. Update 9.21 introduces th...[详细]
老爷们在双十二买够了吗,当然,不够的话还有二雷的年终特惠呢。According to Milos Jerabek (development director) and his yesterday stream, changes in the Ob...[详细]
【情报组】12/11 QA 也许应该是12/09才对
1. Anton Pankov has now way less influence during WoT development due to Rubicon (the failed 10.0, fyi) and some other recent ****up...[详细]
你知道想推一台翻车的1390多难么?Customization个性化? More customization options for tanks are on their way and will be shown soon. It’s an entir...[详细]
【情报组】11.20 QA 这似乎是第三章
【情报组】开局甩图一波吹 场子全靠玩家圆
本次情报可以分成三部分1、FV217的数据更新(虽然我刚刚看到已经有人发了)2、9.21时间预测3、苏联TD线重(圆)做(场)建议英国10级TD FV217 獾 (替换FV215b 183) (括号内为新数据)血量: 2 050 (2 1...[详细]
外国人民多奇志大家好,今天的情报就由我给大家带来本次的情报可以分成两部分1、9.20.1的新分房系统2、美服WG对于超级征服者在测试服二测加强的说法Have you ever played Himmelsdorf against a...[详细]
【情报组】没有击毁卫星 只是量子化而已
前几天刚遇到的本次情报可以分为两部分1、新超测地图明斯克2、430新线A new map, Minsk, is hitting the ST server, and it will be tested in two variants.一个新地图,明斯克...[详细]
【情报组】二测的目的 自然是要有三测
New Feature: Competitions新功能:竞赛Added the functionality that allows participation in competitions right in the game client. Th...[详细]
【情报组】颜值也是平衡的一部分 不爽不要玩
WG真的很严格.jpg本次的情报有1.5部分1、超测的法国二线HT(8 - 10级,图多杀流量)1.5、直营服第六波封号潮AMX 65t - 8级法国银币HT成员: 4 人 价格: 2 600 000 银币血量: 1 550功率: 1 000 hp重量:...[详细]
【情报组】9.22 四辆新车的数据曝光
Supertest: ELC EVEN 90超测:ELC EVEN 90Tier 8 French premium. Smallest tank at its tier. The vehicle has only 2 crew members.那是法国8级金币...[详细]
【情报组】超测车变动 领土战役将不会再奖励车
本次的情报能分成两部分1、超测几台车的变动2、关于之后的领土战役将不会再奖励车的事儿FV4202Turret changes were rolled back, and they will stay the same as currently o...[详细]
【情报组】9.20.1版本升级情报 自己翻译校对
New Features.– Large-scaleupdate to the Long-Awaited Backup campaign (campaign I of the PersonalMissions)Idea BehindChanges...[详细]
【情报组】该来的总将会到来 虽然可能会咕一下
【情报组】有钱的事儿 能叫为所欲为么?
还记得上次QA说的话么?Q: You have tested the changes to British vehicles on the Supertest. Why weren’t the changes implemented in this upda...[详细]
【情报组】抱歉 WG员工就算有钱也不会为所欲为
可以,****.jpgWork on the Grand Battle mode was long, the main problem being the optimalization我们在大战模式上花了很长时间,主要的问题是在于优化。There...[详细]
【情报组】08.24 还是排位的那些破事儿
这位中国香港干员的技能会不会是先笑死对面一个人After the Ranked Battles mode was introduced, the amount of battles on Tier X in Random Battles declined...[详细]
【情报组】8.23的QA续上篇 焕发新的活力!
嗯咳咳咳咳咳,我们情报组已经焕发了新的活力!新窑子上线,谁是你的老婆A continuation of yesterday’s Q&A (which if you haven’t caught up on can be read here). Here w...[详细]
【情报组】8.3 少量情报附加补充具体调整
额,我们情报组好像是划水时间有点多了,⑨井的cd也是鬼知道什么时候才结束具体调整如下:· Challenger will get a new gun with higher alpha-damage, due to which the gamepl...[详细]
【情报组】没有对比就没有伤害 TM射爆!
情报也不多,但是还是挺劲爆的那么首先是出现在超测里的44轻,其实就算不给图你们也都知道会长啥样了8级苏联金币LT血量: 1 200功率: 750 hp重量: 31,37 t功重: 23,91 HP/t极速: 68 / -20 km/h车体转速:...[详细]
【情报组】情报重发 & 最近的一些事情
那么,以下是情报内容:今儿(昨)的情报其实还挺多的,虽然挺零散的1、Falathi在NewMulti2k上回答的QA2、关于小巴顿大巴顿的加强3、关于美服和欧服的排位数据Q: Wheeledvehicles?A: As the...[详细]
World of Tanks Q&A with Alexey “Inaki” IlyinAlexey “Inaki” Ilyin, World of Tanks Global Producer gave an interview yesterday, for W...[详细]
[情报组]9.20超测服部分情报 苏系大狂欢
情报组划水新人QA,勿喷。苏系:其他系:The Soviet tanks have arrived to the Supertest for some rebalancing!苏系坦克已加入超测平衡套餐The main idea is to sign...[详细]
6/28QA无论是加强还是削弱 WG就是有道理
Interviewed were Thaine Lyman (L)(ex-Activision employee, now at Wargaming) and Vyacheslav Makarov (M).塞恩李曼(简称李)(前动视员工,现工作...[详细]
福三炮:你的弹夹量很多 但下一秒就是我的
这大概是人一生中最难熬的时候吧1、关于Evilly的QA2、关于DelhRoh的QA3、日本HT的超测改动Anton “Evilly” Pankov interviewed by official Polish WoT Youtube c...[详细]
[情报组] 五棍:老子今天就要从棺材里爬出来打S
这个可信度理论上来说挺高的,但是其他情报源却没提这事儿,你们看看就好Changes in version的改动Training ground训练场Added a new training mode for begi...[详细]
– HD maps will come all at once, we cannot keep 2 renders in the game;-高清地图将会全部同时实装,游戏里没法容下两种渲染。– There are plans to give the French...[详细]
[情报组] WG的QA和车辆数据 还有这种阵容?
NAVI:还有这种阵容?嗯,今天的情报比较丰富,大致上能分成两条WG的QA和车辆的数据,包括新金币车AMX CANON和美系馒头们的加强那么首先就是QA了– “Defender” will not be sold again for qu...[详细]
【情报组】翻译QA 问来问去还是那些事儿
Very quick Q&A from Storm and Evilly. Storm’s bit is mostly letting us know he’s alive, but figured it was worth posting after not hear...[详细]