
2017-12-30 14:47:52 神评论

17173 新闻导语

坦克世界 今天的情报只有一则QA,个性化涂装和地图部分、坦克平衡、分房系统和新年活动部分由我翻译对那么咱就走起吧




? More customization options for tanks are on their way and will be shown soon. It’s an entirely new system, new interface, and new way to interact with elements that will allow players to further personalize the looks of their tanks.

? 接下来会有更多个性化自己坦克的方式。这个系统是全新的,拥有新的界面,以及新的互动元素,可以让玩家们在自己的坦克上自由发挥。

• We will have Styles sets, which basically consist of a set of camos that you can quickly apply to your tank if you don’t want to spend too much time with the feature but still want to change your tanks visual aspects.

• 我们会准备一些样式之类的,基本上就是一整套可以快速装备的伪装,以备你某些时候不想花很多时间装扮你的坦克但是你有的确想往上面做点什么装饰。

• We’re going to test the new effects, paints and styles on tier 8 premium and tier 10 tanks at first. It’s a complete overhaul of the texturing system on the game engine side, and we’re only getting started – we will be releasing the whole feature in phases, with each one adding more features to allow players to really make their tanks look unique.

• 我们会现在8级和10级上实装这个系统。这其实是将整个游戏客户端的纹理系统重做一遍,而且我们更是刚刚开始-我们将分批推出这个系统,每次都会加入更多的内容,能够让玩家将自己的站成装扮的独一无二。

• There will be all sorts of crazy options, including non-historical ones, but we will provide players with the option to hide all non-historical things with a check-box for those who want to keep the game as authentic as it is right now.

• 之后还有很多疯狂的想法,包括某些不历史的东西,但是我们也会给玩家一个选项来隐藏这些不历史的元素。

• Players who have purchased current camouflages, emblems and inscriptions using gold before the release of new customization system will get to keep them. For players who have used credits, compensation will be provided with the release of the new customization feature.

• 那些之前买过涂装,标语和标识的,在新系统上线之后仍可以保留他们。那些用银币买来的也会有相应的补偿。

• The camo bonuses will remain unchanged with this new customization system – they will only apply to the hull of your tanks.

• 涂装的银币奖励在新的个性化系统内将保持不变——涂装只会在你的坦克的车体上生效。

• Customization options will be purchasable for gold, but we will also make them available for rent in exchange of credits. The rental system will be based on battles, not real time, as we experiment to find out what players like the most between rental per battles or per time period.

• 个性化的东西可以用金币买,当然也可以用银币租。租借系统将会基于战斗场数而非现实的时间,作为玩家是更喜欢以次数还是以时间作为计数。

• We’re still working on the pricing for new customization elements. We’re taking the time to get it right and ensure players will enjoy the new feature, and we’ll communicate the final prices as we get closer to release.

• 我们还在给这些个性化内容定价。我们将在合适的时候发布,并且保证玩家能够享受这些内容,在发布之前我们会公布定价的。

• Regarding styles sets, we also plan for the future to release different themed styles, like themed after historical events. There are not coming right away though as we first want to focus on making the system work for everyone.

• 关于一整套样式之类的,我们也会计划在未来发一些有主题的样式,例如在纪念日活动的时候之类的。当然这些最近不会有,我们目前先从怎么做一套大家都会喜欢的系统开始。

• Some camos, like the historical ones, will be limited to certain nations. Others however will be applicable across nations.

• 某些涂装,例如那些历史向的,只会对某些特定国家开放。其他的涂装都是公用的。



• Working on upgrading maps to HD is very heavy on resources and time consuming. When we switch the client to HD maps, it will be for all maps, as we can’t run a mix of old, SD maps with the new HD ones side by side.

• 把地图升级到HD的任务非常消耗资源以及时间。所以说我们高清地图将会一齐推出,不会把老旧的SD地图和新的HD地图放在一块的。

• Currently we’re working to make sure we have enough maps turned to HD for their release – but we’re not willing to commit to a release date just now. We’re almost there though, and we’re definitely looking at months, not years, when talking about a release window. We do not want to upset players by announcing a date and then having to postpone it.

• 目前我们正在忙着保证在HD地图正式推出前做好足够的地图-但是我们不会告诉你们具体哪天放出的。我们就快做好了,距离正式发布时间只用月算而不是用数年了。我们不想发布了之后又推迟放出,这样会让玩家伤心的。

• We are also very happy that we’ve made enough progress with HD maps to now start thinking about creating new ones, or bringing back old ones. We could for example consider new maps with an Asian theme, or getting inspired by some maps available on World of Tanks for console. Diversification of maps is very important to us, and while we’re not making any promise, locations is something we’re working on.

• 另外,我们很高兴地宣布,目前的HD地图项目进展十分顺利,甚至我们都开始做新的地图,或者把旧的地图拿回来重做了。我们会考虑一些亚洲风的地图,或者某些从主机端借鉴过来的地图。地图的多样性对我们也很重要。

• We are also aware the current map selection system is not perfect, and we’re working on improving it. We like the idea of allowing players to veto some maps, but we need to take into consideration the core gameplay of the game when thinking about such features, making sure it’s not breaking any core game mechanics. It sounds a lot easier than it actually is to implement when listing all the things such a feature could potentially break. Because of this we’re not really considering a veto system for maps at the moment. Our developers are however tackling the question of how our servers are putting maps that our players want to play up first, and we’re not discarding any option on how to do that. We just need to figure out the challenges posed by our tech first.

• 我们同样还注意到目前的地图选择系统也不是很完美,我们正在改进它。允许玩家挑选某些地图的想法很是喜欢,但是面对此类问题时同时我们还要将游戏核心玩法纳入考虑范围内,保证更改不会破坏游戏的核心机制。这种容易破坏玩法的内容实施起来远比想象中复杂。因此我们并不想让这个系统加入游戏里。但是我们终于可以让玩家们的地图不再重复,这个问题我们再也没有收到任何举报。我们喜欢优先解决技术上的问题。

• When moving maps to HD, our priority was to make sure the core gameplay of these maps remain unchanged, maintaining the sidelines, the covers etc. We did however change some items so that they better fit the HD improvements of the maps, but we have people spending a lot of time checking everything out carefully to ensure consistency. Some things will change, but we aim for nothing game breaking to happen. If you do notice any change impacting the gameplay negatively, please let us know! We want to make the game look beautiful without breaking it.

• 当我们把地图做成HD的时候,我们会优先保证游戏的核心玩法不会有改动,地图的路线不会改,还有各种掩体之类的。当然我们也的确改了某些东西,让地图内元素都变为HD版的,但是我们还让大家花了很多时间,来认真确认每件事情是否妥当。某些东西的确是改了,但是我们希望游戏的玩法不会因此而改。如果你觉得哪些问题让游戏的体验变差了,请告诉我们!我们希望在美化游戏的同时保护玩法不被破坏。

• We also switched off hundreds of climbs already, but our players are very creative and continue to find new ones. We can’t promise we’ll ever get them all, but please let us know when you find some as they are definitely not intended by our map designers.

• 我们去掉了上百个可以攀爬的地方,但是擅长发现的玩家们还是能够继续找到新的地方。我们不保证所有的地方都被清除,但是如果你发现了某处可以爬的地方,请告诉我么,因为那些地方肯定不是我们设计师想要的结果。

• We are not considering implementing gun collision on tanks, we believe there are loads of reasons why this is a bad idea from a pure gameplay perspective.

• 坦克炮管的碰撞也不在我们的考虑范围内,我们相当多的理由去相信把坦克的炮管做出来会让游戏性变糟。

Tank Balancing


Looking at Japanese Heavy tanks, and in particular at the statistics, we don’t think they are crazy or overpowered, but we do know that they hurt skilled players the most, as they are easy to play for more inexperienced players. There is certainly an emotional weight to it, and we’re looking at it very carefully. We’re currently thinking that we need to tackle the question of shell types globally, better understand how they are used.


We have a lot of ideas and plans for new tanks, but nothing we can share with you today unfortunately. Expect great stuff on this next year!


We have made a whole bunch of changes to tank lines over the year in order to try to make each line make more sense. We are always considering all options when retiring or replacing tanks in a line, and we always vote internally for our favorite solution. Sometimes we split the tree in two and allow all players to choose to unlock either the old tank, or the new one, but it also happens that we just decide to make some tanks a relic for various reasons.




Current data shows the matchmaking is working as we expected, but still has some issues. We’re very aware it requires more work, and we’re looking at tweaking and polishing it further.


The system is very complex and because of that we need to be extremely careful when changing the way it works.


New Year’s Event


This year again we will have the in-game event to celebrate the end of the year with all our players. For those who have played it last year, it will be similar, with some significant improvements we hope players will enjoy.


One big change is the fact that the entire garage will be customizable this year, with different styles and effects which can be applied to the snowman, the tree, the house…etc.


We also made some changes to the way the crafting system works, and replaced the recipes with a machine that creates toys from the rewards obtained through the crates.



