
2017-12-24 14:22:58 神评论

17173 新闻导语

坦克世界 老爷们在双十二买够了吗,当然,不够的话还有二雷的年终特惠呢。


According to Milos Jerabek (development director) and his yesterday stream, changes in the Object 263 line are cancelled for now. Or at least removing/downtiering 263 itself is out of question, since Object 268 v4 appeared to be an unsuitable replacement.

根据Milos Jerabek(开发总监)在他的昨天的直播中所说,263工程线的改动暂且取消。或者说至少移动/降级263工程的可能性都几乎为0,因为268工程V4并不适合当作替换车。

IS-M 的属性

Tier: HT-8, USSR, regular


HP: 1500


Max. speed forwards/backwards: 35 / -12 km/h

前进/后退极速:35/12 千米/时

Hull traverse speed: 26 °/s


Turret traverse speed: 32 °/s


View range: 350 m


Hull armor: 120 / 120 / 80


Turret armor: 250 / 140 / 120


Damage: 390 / 390 / 530

伤害:390 / 390 / 530

Penetration: 212 / 240 / 68

穿深: 212 / 240 / 68

Reload speed: 12.6 s


Accuracy: 0.42


Aim time: 3.0 s


IS-7 (Object 260) is one of the peaks of Soviet tank development of the late 40′s. Along with that, Object 260 was not alone. While NII-100 (SS: Soviet technology research institute No.100) was working on its project, in Chelyabinsk a new generation heavy tank was developed – the Object 705. The vehicle was supposed to have roughly the same characteristics as Object 260, but the tank design (arrangement) was different. On paper (in the project) the tank was supposed to have the 122mm BL-13 gun, but unlike Object 260, it was supposed to have the turret in the rear. This vehicle (Object 705) requires more serious research, but it’s possible to see how the vehicle would look like.

IS-7(260工程)是40年代苏联坦克设计中的巅峰之作。实际上,260工程并非是一枝独秀。位于车里雅宾斯克的NII-100(当年仍旧活着的SS:苏联100科技研究学院)正在致力于研发新的项目,即新一代重型坦克,705工程。这辆重型坦克的数据应该和260工程差不多,但是坦克的设计(或者说布局)却毫不相同。纸面上(就是计划中)这辆坦克将装备有122mm BL-13火炮,但是和260工程不同的是,这辆坦克的炮塔位于后方。关于这辆坦克(705工程)需要更多的研究,但是我们至少还能知晓它如果诞生的话会是什么样子。


However, both the Object 705 and Object 260 were not the apex of the evolution. Apart from the Object 705 65 ton variant, Chelyabinsk design bureau worked on a 100 ton variant, designated Object 705A. It was different from the 65 ton variant in two things: armor and gun. And when it comes to the gun, we know what it would be: the 152mm experimental gun M51. Considering the Object 705 had (with 65 tons) roughly the same armor as Object 260, you can imagine what kind of monster would Object 705A be.

但是,705工程和260工程都并非为进化的顶峰。除了65吨的型号以外,车里雅宾斯克设计局还做出了100吨的改型,其被称作为705工程A型。和65吨方案的不同点在于主炮和装甲。主炮方面,有可能是152mm M51实验型火炮。考虑到705工程(65吨那个)和260工程的装甲应该是差不多的水平,你可以猜猜705工程A型有多厚重的装甲了。

This is where Yuri Pasholok’s post ends. In case you are wondering, what the hell is the M51 152mm gun: an experimental Soviet gun. Barrel length was L/50. The project was ready and considered in June 1947, modifications were requested and the modified project was ready in December 1947. The gun ballistics corresponded to the 152mm BR-2 gun and the project was made so a lot of parts would be unified with 152mm M-31 gun, designed for heavy SPG’s. In order to reduce the recoil, a massive muzzle brake (that absorbed 70 percent of recoil energy) was installed. At the point of its inception, the gun was the most powerful anti-tank gun in the world. However, no platform was ever created to put it on, repeating the history of 107mm ZIS-6.

这就是Yuri Pasholok发布的所有内容了。以防万一,如果你很好奇M51到底是个什么鬼:是一门试验火炮。炮管倍径是L/50。项目从1947年6月开始,要求可以改装并且改装工作于1947年12月完成。火炮的弹道属性和152mm BR-2差不多,而且很多零件和152mm M31火炮通用,后者则是为重型自走炮所设计。为了减少后座,设计师们给它装了一个很大的制退器(可以吸收70%的后坐力)。从这些方面来看,这门炮应该是最强大的反坦克炮了。但是,没有任何一种平台可以用来装载这门炮,人类再一次重复了ZIS-6的悲剧。


