[情报组]9.20超测服部分情报 苏系大狂欢

2017-07-08 00:42:05 神评论

17173 新闻导语

坦克世界 [情报组]9.20超测服部分情报 苏系大狂欢




The Soviet tanks have arrived to the Supertest for some rebalancing!


The main idea is to significantly strengthen the armor on the turret front, which will allow Soviet MTs to tank with their turret when they manage to hide the hull behind cover. They will be able to cause damage from this position and live up to the idea of active Medium tanks with strong turret armor.


Let’s start with the crown jewel of the MT branch – the Object 140. It is an excellent vehicle that does a great job when fulfilling its intended role on the battlefield. However, it has a drawback, which you often reported, the armor on the turret roof. This was the reason why the Object could be penetrated in the turret even though it seemed like a solid cast construction. On the Super test we will change the armor of the top turret and will get it up to the level of its comrade – the T-62A. At the same time, the armor of the hatches on the turret will remain the same, so do not allow your opponents to aim at them.


Let’s go one tier lower and see what happened with the T-54. Besides significantly strengthening its turret armor, we’ll also revise the top guns and will set the roles of the vehicle according to the gun choice.



The 100 mm D-10Т2S gun that in the researchtree leads to the Object 140 will be rebalanced for close-range fighting. Itsreload time will be decreased thereby increasing its average damage per minute.At the same time the accuracy will be slightly decreased – this will forceplayers to use the gun at medium and short ranges and to play in a moreaggressive style more in line with how a medium range support tank should beplayed.

100mm D-10T2S9(通向140工程)作为一项科技树中的平衡措施,使得其更偏向于近战。这门炮的装填时间会缩短,DPM升高。但与此同时精度会下降,这样就会让玩家在中近程开炮,以更加积极的方式发挥中距离支援坦克的作用。

The 100 mm D-54 gun (that leads to T-62A) willhave significantly improved aiming time and accuracy at 100m, but at the sametime the reload time will be increased. Now it’ll be easier for it to act as along range fire support vehicle.

100mm D-54(通向T-62A)将明显改善其精度和瞄准时间,不过同时嘛,装填时间将会增加。现在,装备此炮的T-54将更轻松的地当一个远程火力支援坦克。

Let’s go to Tier VIII and test the updatedversion of the T-44. It will have a significantly strengthened turret roof. Theeffective armor of the turret front will reach about 200 mm (instead of thecurrent 120-140 mm), and the effective side armor – more than 300 mm. Similarparameters will be implemented on the turrets of such premium tanks as the T-54first prototype and the Т-44-100 (Р).我们再来看看八级的,测试下加强版的T-44。它将会显著增强炮塔盖的。炮塔正面的等效装甲将达到200mm左右而不是以前的120-140mm,并且侧面的脸颊等效装甲将达到300mm。类似的增强比例也将在更高级的T-54原型炮塔和T-44-100P上弄出来。

We will also change the performance of two ofthe T-44s guns. The 100 mm LB-1 gun will receive improved stabilization andaiming time, which will allow more accurate firing both while moving and whilestanding still.

我们也会增强T-44的两门炮。100mm LB-1将会得到更吼的瞄准时间和移动扩圈系数,这样T-44的移动射击和静止射击就更好了。

This change will affect both the T-44 and theT-44-100 (P). The 122 mm D-25-44 gun will have a significantly improved rate offire and slightly improved aiming parameters, which will allow this weapon toperfectly fulfil the potential at close range, causing high alpha-damage.这些变化都会影响T-44和T-44-100(P)。

122mm D-25-44会显著增强其射速并略略增强其精度,这将使得这门炮在可能的近距离打出一发入魂的高单发伤害。

hat’s not all the changes that we are planningto test within the USSR tree in this version. Next in line are the Soviet Heavytanks and TDs, but we’ll talk about them a bit later.这还不是我们在苏系坦克的全部变动计划,接下来还有苏系重坦和TD,不过我们下一期再谈。



