Ranked Battles Beta Season 排位赛测试赛季

2017-06-14 10:57:33 神评论

17173 新闻导语

坦克世界【排位赛】Ranked Battles Beta Season 排位赛测试赛季 (2017.06.12.—2017.07.09.)

Leaderboards and Leagues


The most tough and experienced tankers of Ranked Battles become Season Leaders. Your place on the Season Leaders list is defined by Rank Points you receive upon reaching a new rank. The more Points you earn, the higher your position, and you can check it at any time right in the game client.


When a new stage begins, rank leveling is reset, while Rank Points are stored until a season ends. It means that the entry barrier to the Season’ Leaders list goes up after each stage and you need to keep up a great performance throughout the season to stay on the list. Your ultimate goal here is getting into the top 50% of Season Leaders and staying there until a season ends. This will earn you a place in one of the three prize leagues, a sweet amount of Bonds, and unique Badges (three types depending on the league) that symbolize your mastery. They are displayed in the Garage and next to your name in all battles for everyone to see.

当新的阶段开始时,军阶标识等级会被重置,而军阶标识点数会被保存到赛季结束。这意味着进入赛季领先玩家名单的门槛在每个阶段后都会上升,因此您需要在整个赛季中都维持着良好的表现才能留在名单上。您在这的终极目标是挤进前 50% 的赛季领先玩家并维持在那里直到赛季结束。这会让您在三个一流联赛中获得一席之地,数量令人愉快的战争债券、以及象征着自己精通程度的独特徽章 (三种取决于联赛的类型)。它们会显示在车库中及在所有战斗中的您的名字旁给所有人看。

If you'd rather keep a low profile, you can disable badges in the Player’s Account. Just left-click your username in the upper left corner of the Garage, and the badge slot to hide them.


Check the “Ranked Battles rules and regulations” for a detailed breakdown of leagues and badges.


General vision and further steps


Ranked Battles Beta Season is a testing phase, designed to collect feedback and fine-tune the mode based on what players say.


We're eager to tune Ranked Battles just right delivering an experience that truly resonates with players. With the Beta Season, we're rolling out a product to let a large number of tankers test it and define potential future adjustments. We will be monitoring player feedback in every region, collecting and a.n.a.lyzing suggestions.


While bonds are being introduced to the game with the Ranked Battles Beta Season, the Ranked Battles mode was not and is not intended to be the only way to earn bonds. In the future, we’ll make bonds available through other game modes and expand the list of items players can purchase with them.


Along with the new mode, we have added an all-new currency, bonds, to the game. Right now, Ranked Battles are the only way to stock up on bonds, but it won't stay this way for good, as bonds are a completely standalone feature.

随着新模式推出、我们也加入了新货币: 战争债券。以现在来说,排位赛战斗是唯一获得战争债券的方式,但是情况不会永远如此。

Just as with Ranked Battles, we're testing the new currency and the new rewards. We will expand the list of items you can purchase with bonds; there will be much more than Improved Equipment and Directives for purchase. We’re also planning to make bonds available through other game modes, including ways to acquire them in Random Battles. Players will also be able to earn bonds by completing Missions and taking part in in-game specials.


We may make subsequent changes based on player feedback to the functionality, rewards, and economics of the mode, including to Improved Equipment and Directives.


After going over feedback and game data we collect, we'll proceed to optimize the experience by tweaking its functionality, rewards, economics, and any other element that raises concerns among players. We are tracking carefully the way Improved Equipment and Directives work and their effect on gameplay, and we may make changes to them based on that data and player feedback. For instance, we might revise Tiers and/or game modes where you can use them if a large bulk of players ask for it.


All players get 100 bonds when the Beta Season begins.

测试赛季开始后,所有人皆可获得 100 战争债券。

All players registered prior to June 10 will receive 100 bonds when the Beta Season begins. Tankers can test the newly added Directives for crew or equipment, which also allows us to gather substantial feedback.

所有于6月03日前注册游戏帐号的玩家将可于测试赛季开始后获得 100 战争债券。玩家可以尽情测试新加入的强化的改进型配件与战斗指南,并且提.供意见。

Thanks for reading this, and thanks for your interest in Ranked Battles, bonds and Improved Equipment and

Directives. We hope this clarifies our views around these features and answers any concerns you may have. If you have any further questions or comments, please head over to the forums and tell us what you think!


t’s exciting to have you help shape what Ranked Battles will become when the mode launches. We look forward to your thoughts around gameplay, balance, and the progression system, and can’t wait to hit the battlefield with you on

June 12 !


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