
2015-03-11 13:26:58 神评论

17173 新闻导语


- average online player numbers in WoWp from NA cluster: 650, EU: 1,000. WG expects the future updates and the changes they will bring to bring back the amount of players to at least 10,000 in order to self sustain the game;


- WoWs team expects starting player base from the beta to be around 8,000 and up to 20,000 "if all goes well",future updates will increase performance (RG: Will make sure to check out those changes, crossing fingers).


WoT for Xbox


- Xbox360 conversion to Xbox One: "its happening", everything will be full HD, migration will occur without incidents and both systems will be compatible, so you can play with your account on either console - of course Xbox one will be much more impressive in graphics;

插盒360和插盒1上:“会有的”,而且所有都会制成HD的,数据迁移将会平安无事的进行,两个系统是兼容的,这样的话你两个都可以玩 - 当然插盒1在画质上的表现自然会更好

- the player base from the console version of WoT is a success, it grew considerably after the launch (which actually just turned 1 year old recently);


- one of the most acclaimed features of Xbox Wot is the point of view from the turret of the tank and the fact it has weather system. Developers really want the weather system for PC, but as for the turret camera: "let the modders do that" ( RG: As a PC user I'm jealous of the weather system from Xbox, make it happen!).


WoT Generals

- WoT Generals on beta: some people consider it uninteresting and it's true - if played on a computer, you may want to do something else than play a browser game. However once the game launches for cross platform (mobile phones and tablets), the game will be better and the developers expect the main player base to actually come from mobile devices: "a mobile pvp game that's not a facebook zombie app". The game data transfer won't be heavy in cost for mobile internet users - "not beyond sending whatsapp messages, an entire battle may just be under 1MB for mobile users" (RG: Do know someone that got access to the game and been having some fun, if they ace it, its going to be a good casual to play on a mobile while waiting for a appointment or just while stretching the legs on the sofa, definitely will be checking it out!).

坦克世界将军的beta测试:有些人觉得这个不好玩,的确这玩意也没好玩到哪去-如果你想在电脑上玩,那你就要找个东西来开游戏。但是这个游戏从移动端登陆(手机或者平板电脑)会更好,而且开发者也希望主要的玩家群体是使用移动端的:“一个移动端上的PVP游戏可不是非死不可上的植物人大战僵尸”。游戏的数据量对移动端玩家来说还不会构成负担 - “如果你不会边玩边发whatsapp的信息的话,其实一局的流量也就不到1M”(RG:如果这游戏能够开发好的话,拿来玩玩也不错啊,这游戏在等待约会或者就是伸个懒腰的时候就是杀时间神器,出了就要买买买!)。

- SerB is actually a nice person, internet tends to distort many things from a person and even he takes the role given by the internet as a joke, turns out he's very rational and has a keen sense for marketing and numbers (RG: Also heard he is fun at parties by a trusted WG staff member);


- WG purchased 9 new props for shows or decoration, planes, tanks and scaled versions of boats, one of the planes is being hanged in the cafeteria - also something interesting, one of the props is a 30cm 3D printed custom Star ship, ordered by SerB (RG: hope that was a U.S.S Enterprise, or a Bird-of-Prey, those are badass too!)

WG买了9个小道具用来演示或者装饰,包括飞机,坦克和已经按比例缩小了的船,其中一架飞机已经挂在了餐厅的屋顶上 - 还有个有意思的事是,其中一个道具SerB定制的是30cm大的星际飞船(RG:希望它是U.S.S.企业号,或者猛禽之类的,真是太帅了!)


