WG给LT双黑色眼睛 而LT却用它来寻找光明

2017-04-22 09:27:25 神评论0

17173 新闻导语



Answers by Anton “Evilly” Pankov on livejournal:


– Will the personal mission changes for SPG’s not come in 9.18? – They will, read more closely;

-为啥火炮个人任务不会在9.18就改? - 明明会的,仔细读题

– Great work on community communication, posting a branch which will not be released on the server, 10/10. You did not happen to rethink about releasing the Chinese TD branch exclusively for Asia? – No, we did not;

-你们在社区宣传上干的真TM棒,公布了条绝对不会实装在服务器上的线。你们甚至没有重新想想至少把中国TD线实装到亚服么? - 我不听我不听。

– I don’t think it’s time to worry about HD models, since the game could be dead very soon [talking about 9.18]. – Nah, it won’t be;

-我不认为现在还有闲心担心高清模型,这游戏很快就药丸了【在说9.18】 - 哦?我可不这么认为

– Anton, when will the Strv S1 be sold [on the RU server]? – Not soon;

-安东,Strv S1什么时候开卖?【在E服】 - 不是最近

– There is info about the assignment of gun marks on tanks being a bit off. During sessions with good performance, the gun mark % is not growing or growth is very small. – We’ll check that;

-有些消息说击杀环有点不太对劲。在这段时间尽管打得很好,但是环的百分比涨幅非常小甚至根本就不动。 - 我们会去检查的

– I’m interested in the RBT-5, whose icon was floating around the internet for some time already [available here], are there actually plans regarding rocket armament? – The tank is modeled and lying in the internal archives. There is also a Hotchkiss with rockets;


】,你们真的打算弄关于火箭弹的武装么? - 这个坦克已经建模好了并且现在已经在我们的内部档案当中了。我们还有装火箭弹的哈其开斯。

Answers by Alexey “Inaki” Ilyin:


– The mean number of artillery pieces per battle ranges from 0 to 2;

-火炮每场出现的平均数量范围是0 - 2

– The new matchmaker does not take the team’s HP into account. You’d then also have to take into account the potential damage a tank can deal, and also the map;


– For the matchmaker, Karelia in Assault mode and Karelia in standard mode are two different maps. If you have modes enabled, you’ll have to be prepared for that. But, for example, Prokhorovka and Fiery Salient count as the same map;


– We’re currently actively working on maps to rework then into better quality and are currently not planning to introduce new maps into random. For game modes, in particular for “Front line”, there will be a huge map. You could say it’s 9 new maps, since the map is 3x3km;


– Besides the maps which were already shown, Murovanka and Prokhorovka are also almost ready;


– No plans to sell the E25;


– The maximum stun time in battle has the Maus with 27s, other tanks have less;


Based on your feedback and data collected during the 9.18 Common Test, we landed on a set of changes that rolled out in a micro patch earlier today:


No artillery in Platoons.


You were vocal about mismatched scenarios, when a Platoon of three SPGs was placed at the top of the list and the team ended up with three long-range support fire vehicles as their main strength. The other frustrating issue was frequent cases of arty giving its all to support fellow Platoon-members and totally neglecting the rest of the team.


To eliminate both problems, we decided to stop SPGs from forming and joining Dynamic and regular Platoons. Removing the option to play in Platoons should facilitate team cooperation and aid the matchmaker in creating balanced teams. Individual Battle Missions were updated accordingly. We removed Platoons from their conditions.


Balance tweaks to light tanks.


The initial balance settings improved their view range too much, blurring the line between light and medium vehicles. They had a large enough view range to scout efficiently by default.


So, you could install additional equipment, train skills and perks to increase their firepower to the point where they could compete with medium vehicles. Along with being great scouts, they would deal almost as much damage as some medium tanks.


We averaged out their firepower to draw a thicker line between these two classes in terms of their combat roles. Light tanks keep their trademark mobility, high camo values, and lower durability, just as they still outperform medium vehicles at scouting.


At the same time, their firepower was reduced and is lower than that of medium tanks. It’s enough to retaliate yet isn’t enough to make dealing damage their first priority in combat. Their view range also decreased, too. Now, you have to mount Coated Optics/Binocular Telescope and train Crew perks to improve it from the default.


Changes to vehicles:


Changes to the German vehicles


Spähpanzer SP I C

Changed the view range of the Spähpanzer SP I C PT II Rh.-Nr. WK-G2 turret from 400 m to 390 m



HWK 12


Changed the reloading time of the 90 mm Mecar N gun for the HWK 12 turret from 7.9 s to 8.2 s


Changed the reloading time of the 90 mm Mecar N gun for the HWK 12 verbessert turret from 7.15 s to 7.7 s


Spähpanzer Ru 251


Changed the reloading time of the 90 mm Rheinmetall DM1 gun for the Spähpanzer Ru 251 Drehturm 360° turret from 6 s to 7 s


Changed the view range of the Spähpanzer Ru 251 Drehturm 360° turret from 420 m to 410 m


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