
2016-09-22 19:59:19 神评论

17173 新闻导语


- Vspishka made a video about 112 in 9.15. Didn’t farm, didn’t kill all. Question: what did he do wrong? Vyacheslav Makarov: The answer is: he didn’t wait for 9.16, where it will buffed.

- 俄服知名主播Vspishka制作了一部关于9.15版本中112的视频,视频中他既没有人头也没有收益,是因为他打法不对?


-The devs had some troubles with the second branch of French HTs but they say it’s worth the wait.

- 开发人员认为法系二线重坦存在一些问题,但是一切等待都是值得的!

-There is the possibility of adjustments to the aiming system, though there are many nuances that affect those decisions. If a line begins to fall behind, they can always increase accuracy and reduce spread.”

- 有可能微调一下瞄准机制,但是有很多很琐碎的因素会影响最终决定。比如在准星后面增加一条延长线,可以很大程度上提高精度降低散布。

-“Interesting, punishing developers for the failed Convoy mode. The map was fun but racing around schizophrenics got depressing.” V: -“Do not confuse the Event with the new regime.”

- “怒喷开发人员!什么小学生百年护航活动?!地图还可以,但是和一群****患者赛跑有些心累!”


-Did you got rid of the interface bonuses for Exteriors? Its been nearly a year since they were first introduced. -”First I need to get to it. :)”

- “你们的铭文、徽章提供熟练度加成的机制到底什么时候能完成啊?拖了一年了!”


-Roaming has been permanently shelved.

- 服务器间的账号漫游机制计划彻底终止。

– Will there be cooperation with the GUP, as in WoT Blitz, things models of tanks, or camouflage? -For the Asian cluster possibly.

- 会和《少女与战车》合作吗接下来?就像闪电战里面增加动画中的实车,或者加入动画中的涂装?


-There will be Polish tanks in the game but a complete branch/tech tree is not assured.

- 会有波兰坦克,但不一定会有完整科技树。

-Do you have any plans to bring players to low tier battles? The average queue time is 1 minute in prime hours.-”We have a solution.”

- 想办法多增加点屠幼的玩家啊!黄金八点档都要排队一分钟!!


-After player gives the idea of adding the Convoy mode map into low tier Random battles: -”It’s a good idea, the map is useful but it needs to be modified for randoms.”

- 把这次护航模式的地图加入到随机模式的低级房怎么样?


-The devs will be testing different SPG rebalance concepts.

- 开发人员会测试几种不同的方法来平衡火炮。

-”Planning to do anything about the T34 and Lowe?” -”T34 no, Lowe yes.”

- “加强一下T34和狮子么?”


-None of the current tier 8 LTs will become a tier 10.

- 不会像火炮削弱那样把现有的8级轻坦提升到10级。

-RU Players are happy with the confirmation that tier 10 LTs will also have paper armor.

- 俄服玩家对10级轻坦的纸装甲表示满意。

-“The devs have a new machine in mind for a Tier X French light tank. The Bat-Chat will stay a medium where it is.”

- “开发人员已经物色好了10级法系轻坦,XX依然会是中坦不变。”

-“The devs want to make Tier 10 light tanks as pure light tanks and not neutered mediums with high pen guns. They hope to make them something completely different.”

- “开发人员打算把10级轻坦做成纯粹的轻坦。为了让不同种类的坦克分化明显,不会有高穿深的炮。”

- Murazor: -”IS-5 only has good statistics because those who play it are good.”RG: Bullshit.

- Murazor:“IS-5的数据*是因为玩得人*~”


-”Developers are not required to play good, they only need brain.”

- “并不要求开发人员都是游戏大神,只需要玩游戏的时候带了脑子。”

–When will HD maps arrive? They were promised this year, so will they be on time? Or did something go wrong?M: Well, maps are more difficult to alter than vehicles. Then there is always the question of performance.

- 高清地图呢?说好今年有的呢?


-(Regarding performance issues with HD maps) Add in texture options in the settings. Is that too difficult? -M: Ahaha, well that’s really easy. (sarcasm)

- 在设置里面加入纹理质量让玩家根据自己的电脑性能选择,这很难么?!


-Murazor, how long will you continue to introduce overbuffed premium vehicles? The Scorpion G dominates random battles, and soon the 112 will be as armored as the IS-6. –M: We only discuss the objective statistics, things like vehicle damage, XP, the numbers of vehicles played,and not private opinions. Scorpion turned out to be a good tank with its strengths and weaknesses. It’s not bad and fun to play. Playing against the Scorpion, its easily killed, isn’t too fast, and lights up like a Christmas tree. It can be killed by Tier 6 tanks.

- 再加点逆天金币车呗,Murazor?现在天蝎G已经制霸野队了,不久之后112也要起飞了!


Good players bend it, bad players don’t or bend for a few minutes comfortably.


If it performed any worse you’d be here writing how we made a bad premium.


-Will you add a Tier 8 drum autoloader premium? (Lor 40t, for example) M: Does your ass have a crack?

- 你们会加入8级弹夹金币车么?


-Who thought to disable chat? The worst idea to come up. -V: My idea. We’ll see how it works out. If it’s bad, we roll back, but I don’t think we’ll need to.

- 干嘛禁止全队聊天?什么烂主意。


-What year is planned to close the project? V: So far there is no such plan.

- 啥时候停止坦克世界的开发啊?


-The question is: Will Strongholds evolve in any way? V: We have design solutions for Strongholds. I found that I don’t like them in their current form.

- 要塞战会有更多发展么?


-Why do you disable chat between teams in 9.16. The problem is the players, not the system. -V: The chat of (mother haters) is not a necessary function.

- 干嘛禁止全队聊天?有问题的是人不是聊天系统!


-”Spirited” correspondence with the enemies is quite a frequent phenomenon. But how do the developers know? -V: Well, we have the chat logs

- 通过全队聊天而产生的精神交流虽然很频繁,但是开发人员是怎么知道的呢?


-Devs have plans for game mods for just Tier 10 tanks.

- 开发人员有个想法,只针对10级车的游戏模式。

-The devs have worked on a prototype of the after death camera (changing cameras through the alphabetical order).

- 开发人员有个关于死亡后观察视角的想法,根据字母顺序切换观察视角。

-T67 is imbalanced and there’s no arguing it needs a nerf.

- T67太*,需要大砍。

-What would you add to tanks if there were not any restrictions on the engine (Bigworld)? -V: A crate of vodka and all back

- 如果不是受限于游戏引擎,你们打算加入些什么坦克呢?


– Are other people doing the HD models on Consoles? -V: Yes

- 是有专人在搞主机版的高清模型么?


– What are the future plans for the development of tanks? Let me explain: it is not about minor changes or introduction of new tanks / maps / modes / etc. The question is whether something is planned for more extensive development? What about the so-called WoT 2.0? -V: Planned

- 未来是不是有什么大计划啊?不是诸如添加新坦克、新地图、新模式这种小改动。是那种真真意义上的大变!比如坦克世界2.0?


-I don’t want to ask anything. Airplanes are dead. Ships is dead. Tanks is convulsing. -V: They’re not dead

- 我啥也不想说,战机鬼服了、战舰鬼服了、坦克世界要死不死的……


-Devs are satisfied with the KV-5 stats after its changes

- 开发人员很满意KV-5的改动。


