11日Q&A:改动多败笔 LT生存环境堪忧
17173 新闻导语
资讯来源:http://ritastatusreport.blogspot ... meeting-resume.html
the first part of the Cyprus meeting is finally completed, this is a resume of the conversation we had with Markus, Florian and Slava, tomorrow will start working on Viktor Kislyi's aka second part:
Rita 沉寂了好多天,过去的一个月几乎都没什么新闻。一方面是因为外国人也要过年啊!圣诞+元旦就是他们的新年,推出个捷克线够全世界玩家玩一年假了。另一方面 原因就是Rita出访位于塞浦路斯的WG总部(王八蛋WG卷钱带着小姨子跑去地中海逍遥快活了你还不知道嘛),WG大佬维克多亲切会见了 Rita,Rita高度赞赏了WG在过去一年中所取得的成就,双方就WOT未来一年的发展方向开展了亲切友好的会谈。WG重要负责人Serb准备早宴欢迎 Rita的到来。当日,Rita与Markus、Florian 、Slava举行开门磋商会议,下面请听详细报道。
-If we stopped introducing content and made 2016 the year of fixes, would this be enough? - No.
- 如果我们在2016年停止引入新内容而只是做游戏修补工作,这样可行吗? - 显然不可能。
-Although there was a lot of content released in 2015, Wargaming admits the regularity of the patch releases could have been more consistent.
- 尽管在过去的一年游戏内已经加入了好多好多新东西,我们也还没有江郎才尽,WG承诺保证新版本的推出节奏。
-With the meltdown of the Russian market, the Russian team had to come up with ways to reinvent the game to attract RU players back to the game as well as improve retention of existing players and this obviously has a knock-on effect on content released everywhere else.
- 关于俄服市场的大血崩,俄服团队已经采取措施试图让俄服玩家们回归游戏,同时也致力于避免现有玩家的流失,这显然在内容发布等各方面都有连锁反应。
-The conversation group in consensus asked to bring back fun events (like Karl 8-bit and Chaffee Race) every 6 months (specially during IRL events like World Cup who tend to drain playerbase away) which was WG agreed with and will explore possibilities.
- 与会人员强烈谴责了WG不再推出娱乐模式(比方说红白机卡尔臼炮和霞飞竞速)的恶劣行径,一致要求每6个月就出一个供大家玩耍,以特别针对因那些现充跑去围观世界杯等重大赛事而出现的玩家流失情况,WG对此深表赞同并将就可行性开展讨论。
-Wargaming admits that Rampage mode its "not so good, to put it midly".
- WG承认巅峰战模式“不是那么好,呃,说得委婉一些是这样的”。
-Instead of keep on adding games, they want to focus in making the game better (fixes and tweaks of already existing content)
- 重点不是要一直一直往游戏里加新元素,他们希望将工作重心放在把这个游戏做得更完美上(修复和改善已经存在的内容)
-When Artillery was initially introduced it was meant to stop camping and had Light Tanks and other SPGs as natural enemies but nowadays the biggest issue about it is that Light Tanks are obsolete and unable to spot/kill SPG due to corridor maps.
- 引入火炮的初衷是终结蹲坑,并给LT和其他火炮塑造一个天敌出来。而现在最主要的问题在于大量走廊地图使LT的施展空间被严重压缩,不能有效地点亮/击杀火炮。
-"There is no point in playing Light Tanks at the moment unless you are completing Personal Missions"
- “现状是除了做个人任务,完全没必要去玩LT嘛”
-The game nowadays is more static because there are no flanking maneuvers giving more power to artillery, instead of preventing camping is causing the oposite desired effect.
- 这个游戏现在越来越蹲了,因为玩家们不再去打侧翼包围穿插使得火炮更加强势。本来是想用火炮终结蹲坑的,结果事与愿违。
-Because of all the equipment/consumables available the tanks are now more precise than they were 5 years ago making Lights Tanks easier to shoot, also, because of New Physics, Light Tanks have a harder time getting one point to another.
- 因为各种配件/补给的存在,现在坦克比5年前更加精准,使LT更容易射击目标。同样因为新物理引擎,LT得花更多时间从某个位置向另一个位置转移。
-A newER physics will be implemented hopefully by 9.15 (It still needs further testing)
- 有希望在9.15版本推出一个更新的物理引擎(它还需要更多测试)
- Although map sizes are the same, they have become smaller. WG experimented with making maps bigger but the idea wasnt viable due to vehicles like T95 and Maus. Currently they are exploring the idea of adding extra map spawns to facilitate slower tanks.
- 尽管地图尺寸没变,但越来越多拥有优秀机动的高级坦克使得地图事实上变小了。WG试验过加大地图尺寸却没有将之引入游戏,因为这个游戏还有一些像T95、鼠式一样的坦克。现在他们正考虑添加额外出生点来补偿这些跑得慢的家伙。
-Corridor maps were a mistake made by their creators, the idea was to increase the survability of tanks like Maus by minimizing flanking options and that destabilized the ecosystem (LTs)
- 走廊地图是创作者们犯的一个错误,这个主意本来是想通过最大程度降低被侧翼攻击的可能性来提升鼠式这样的抗线车的生存能力,然而这却破坏了生态平衡(又严重打压了LT)
-Light tanks lost their value on these "corridor maps" because they couldn't flank as easily as before so tended to use the same routes as the mediums.This led to the dominance of TDs hidden at the end of these "corridors" killing whatever the HT/MTs were engaging, without the LTs being able to flush them out.To combat this, the view range of almost all TDs was reduced, but with mediums and heavies in the front line dropping Vents for Optics and using premium consumables, they were reaching the view range cap and performing the scouting role as well as or better than the LTs.One option is to reduce the view range of mediums as well as the TDs.Another possiblw fix is to drop the battle tier spread of Lts, so for example, a tier 6 LT would only see tier 7 and 8 battles instead of 7 to 9.This, however, brings it's own balancing problems, a Walker Bulldog that only sees tier 8 and 8 battles would be a force to be reckoned with!
Right now there are two out of maybe forty maps where a LT has good spotting opportunities - Prokhorovka and Malinovka.Even here it depends on which side the LT spawns.
It's possible to address some of the current issues by making changes to the maps once again, but fixing class balance issues by changing maps isn't what WG want to do, they'd rather fix the class issues directly.
- LT在那些“走廊地图”中丧失了它们战场价值,根源在于它们不能再像以前那样轻易地打侧翼穿插,玩家更倾向于用MT打迂回。这又使得TD们优势尽显,它们 只要蹲在走廊的一端堵着自点自打那些冲出来的敌方HT和MT就好,不需要LT的点灯功能了。为了反制这一现象,几乎所有TD的视野都被砍了一刀,但是那些 装了高光和大补给将视野堆到上限的HT和MT们在前线可以发挥出和LT同样甚至更好的点灯作用。于是可采用的一种解决方法就是像当初对待TD那样削减MT 的视野。另一种方法就是降低LT的分房等级,比方说一个6级LT以前是进7-9级房,现在是只进7-8级房。这样解决问题了吗?没有,又会出现新的平衡问 题,不进10级房的斗牛犬屠戮全场。
现在总共大约40张地图中只有2张是适合LT施展点灯功能的— 普罗霍夫卡和马利诺夫卡。就算是在这两张地图中,也得看LT有没有一个好的出生点。
-Several options were discussed for making artillery more useful for teams and less frustrating for both artillery players and artillery victims.Rather than being a simple indirect fire damage class, artillery could have access to specialist ammunition such as smoke shells, illuminations shells (taking a leaf out of Armored Warfares' book) cluster munitions to "debuff" enemy tanks by doing critical damage rather than hit point damage.Medium tank wolfpack threatening to break through a flank and only one TD in a position to stop them?Drop a salvo of cluster munitions on them to slow them down by detracking them and temporarily incapacitating their crews, then drop smoke on the TD to keep him hidden as he takes advantage of their sudden vulnerability.
- 我们已经讨论过很多套方案来使火炮既发挥更多的团队作用,又能减少双方火炮使用者和受害者的满肚子怨气。不是将火炮简单定义为火力支援单位,而是发射一些 特殊功能的炮弹,比方说烟雾弹、照明弹(借鉴自另一个战争网游AW)和不造成实际伤害却可以损伤敌方坦克模组造成“减益效果”的聚簇炮弹。例如敌方MT狼 群冲锋即将突破防线,而那里只有一个我方TD在防守,该怎么办?通过发射一组聚簇炮弹断掉他们的履带并使乘员暂时丧失作战能力来迟滞他们的进攻节奏,然后 向我方TD发射烟雾弹掩盖他的行踪,TD就可以抓住这个机会占得先机。
-Also, with the possible inclusion of night maps and maps with realistic weather conditions, the ability of LTs to detect enemy tanks through, smoke, rain, snow, fog and darkness may help bring a battlefield role back to LTs, and specialist artillery ammuntion like illumination shells would give artillery some value to the team other than simply raw damage.
- 关于夜战地图和真实天气系统地图的可行性,LT具有可以在烟雾、雨雪和阴暗环境下侦查敌方动向的能力说不定能够帮助LT重新发挥它的战场价值,火炮通过发射照明弹等特殊弹药也可以使它具有更多团队作用,而不是简单地去打伤害量。
-Another issue is to do with equipment and crew skills.Right now the choice of equipment to fit to any given class of tank is either right or wrong.There are no alternative equipment loadouts that give you the option to play that class of tank differently.It's the same with crew skills.Camo/repairs to 100%, drop for 6th Sense, camo/repairs to 100% again, drop for Brothers in Arms, then repeat.What WG want to do is make different equipment loadouts other than vents/rammer/optics a viable choice.No-one uses Enhanced Torsion Bars, but if (for example) Enhanced Torsion Bars gave you a increased chance to resist the debuff effect of a new artillery cluster munition and / or increased your terrain resistance, it might be worth getting.
- 另一个需要解决的问题就是配件和车组技能。现在各种坦克的配件选择上只有对和错之分,没有可供选择的配件搭配方案来实现不同的坦克玩法。车组技能上也存在 同样的问题。伪装/修理满技能后洗出灯泡来,然后再伪装/修理满技能,洗出兄弟连来,然后再练满。WG想要看到的是不同的配件组合,而不是通风/输弹/高 光这样的固定搭配。没有人会傻到去装个扭杆,但是假如扭杆可以让坦克有更高几率抵御火炮集簇炮弹的减益效果 和/或 增强履带的地面适应性,这样就有用扭杆的必要了。
-Crew skills also need looking at.Choosing which crew skill to train next should mean something, making the choice of which skill to train should mean making an actual choice instead of just choosing in which order to get the skills.The Commander skills in World of Warships are a better way of doing it, but they're still not perfect, at some point your Commander will eventually have every skill, but if choosing one skill in a tier meant that you couldn't choose any others from the same tier, the choice would actually mean something.The difference between any two given players should be in the choices they made, not in the time they spent accumulating enough points to have every skill.None of this is final, of course, but it shows you the kind of thought that WG are giving the subject.
- 车组技能也需要重新审视。选择接下来点什么技能应该是有讲究的,玩家做出出哪个技能的决定应该意味着一次确切的选择而不仅仅是按照个固定模式把这些技能都 练出来。战舰世界中舰长技能树就是一个不错的方式,但这也不够完美,理论上而言舰长最终能够点出每一层所有的技能,如果每一层只能点一个技能的话,你的选 择就会具有重大意义。任何两个玩家的差异就只是他们技能选择的不同,而不是我打了几千场有6技能车组去碾压你那个连灯泡都没有裸车。前面说得很美,但都不 是最终方案,但你可以从中看出WG的改革思路。
-Ideally WG want people to have more choices.This means making more equipment useful and making the crew skill choices meaningful.To support these kind of changes it may be possible to have a "lobby" system before you enter battle where you could select the equipment loadout that you want to take into battle with your chosen tank from a range of pre-saved loadouts, for example.Changes like this, in combination with more useful and varied equipment modules may mean that the way you play any given tank could be completely different depending on what map is in the rotation and the loadout you select for it.
-WG的理念是希望玩家能有更多的选择。这 意味着使更多配件更有效用和使车组技能选择更有意义。为了支撑这一套选择体系,或许需要设置一个“备战室”系统让你在进入战斗前有机会从一系列备用配件中 选择你想在这一场战斗中安装使用的。像这样的改动,再加上多变而更有效用的装备模组,也许就意味你可以根据地图和选取配件的不同而采用完全不同的战斗方 法。
-Looking at crew skills again, right now they're all passive.You don't have to press a button to make the crew repair the tracks, they just do it.Don't panic, what WG do NOT want to do is make you press a button to have your crew start doing repairs, or camoflaging the tank etc, but what if crew skills came with an active feature as well as the passive benefit?What if active Sixth Sense allowed you to see through concealment for a short time as well as the passive benefit?What if Active Repair skill immediately repaired all damaged modules, the same way a premium repair kit does, except you could use it once every two minutes?
- 再回来审视一些车组技能,之前它们是完全被动的。你不需要按任何按键让乘员去修理履带,他们能自动完成。不要惊慌嘛~ WG要做的不是 真让你去按键指挥乘员修理或者伪装坦克啥的,但是乘员在具有被动效果的同时还能采取主动措施的话?比如灯泡技能除了被动效果还具有可以在短时间内透过掩体 观察的主动效用呢?亦或者主动修理技能可以像大修理一样一下子把所有受损模组全部修理,而这个技能需要一分钟或者两分钟的技能冷却?
-Regarding premium ammunition, the problem isn't the premium ammunition, it's the "corridor maps" that force mediums to meet heavies face to face and give them no choice but to load premium ammuntion to beat them.The easy solution is to nerf penetration, but a better solution is to make flanking more viable for mediums and lights.
WG would like to go back to the days when each nation had their own characteristics.Germans were all about the accuracy, French were mobility and light armour, Soviets had big alpha damage but poor accuracy.With the introduction of so many new nations, this "flavour" seems to have been lost.Once you've got more than three or four tech trees you start to run out of options to make each nation unique, but there are still options.British HESH ammunition doesn't necessarily have to be just HE that has better penetration (and is a waste of time using on anything other than the FV215B 183).French HEAT ammuntion on the AMX30B combined high penetration with the velocity of APCR, but right now it's just regular HEAT.
- 关于金币弹,问题根源并不在于金币弹本身,而是走廊地图迫使MT们去和HT硬肛正面,别无选择只能上金币弹。最简单的方法是砍穿深,治标又治本的方法显然是让MT和LT可以更容易打侧翼包抄。
WG 应该回头看看来路,当初每个国家的坦克都是具有各自鲜明特征的。德国有好精度,法国有机动无装甲,苏联均伤高但精度渣。随着更多新国家系列的引入,每个国 家独领的“风骚”也渐渐没有了味道。一旦科技树超过三条或者四条,各国家特性就损耗殆尽,但还是有解决方案。英国的HESH弹没必要做成高穿深的HE(除 了183,在其它坦克身上就是浪费)。30B用的法国HEAT弹可以将其高穿深和APCR那样的高速度结合在一起,而现在它只是普通的HEAT。
-WG would like to see more choices available to players in the same way that Chinese mediums have the choice of taking a big alpha damage gun or a rapid firing lower calibre "medium tank" gun.Chinese mediums are a good example of giving players a choice.Soviet mediums like the T-54 are a bad example.With the T-54s two top 100mm guns players were supposed to make the choice between good gun stats or higher penetration, but what actually happens is players choose the gun with the better gun handling and make up the difference in penetration with premium ammunition.There's no real choice involved.WG want to get away from this kind of thinking and make weapon and equipment choices on your tanks something that is more than a good/bad choice.There should be more than one good choice.
- WG希望玩家在玩中国MT的时候也有这样的可选机会,玩家既可以选择用均伤高的大口径炮也可以用高射速的细管子。中国MT就是给予玩家选择的一个好例子, 像苏联MT T-54那样的就是坏点子。给T54的两杆100mm炮是为了让玩家在炮控和穿深之间选一项,然而玩家们都不傻,大家都用了炮控好的那个然后打金币弹!这 样的选择题就是送分题啊!WG想要摆脱这种思维模式,让玩家在选择武器装备时有更多喜好考量而不是单纯的这个好那个差。好的选项不应只有一个。
-The buff to the machinegun turret on the T110E5 was unintended and a result of changing the model from SD to HD.Oops!
- 我们不是故意去加强E5头上的包的,那是坦克模型高清化的必然结果!这个锅我不背!(这一条乱入是什么鬼)
-WG want to simplify the way information about the tanks is presented in the game.Right now you look at a bunch of numbers in the garage, but without experience of playing the game you don't know if those numbers are good or bad.Is 40mm of turret armour good at tier 4?Is 0.4 accuracy good for a tier 6 medium?Rather than showing raw numbers, perhaps a rating system would be better?If a tank has 5/5 armour rating in it's tier, you immediately know it's a tough tank before you even play it.Of course, experienced players still want to see the numbers, but we want to see ALL the numbers, including gun depression, terrain resistance, aiming bloom, etc.Numbers like this might be accessable via drop down menus from the basic tank stats, or on a seperate screen.Changes like this would prevent people from trying to use AMX40s as scouts because "hey, it's a light tank."
- WG还想要简化游戏中坦克数据的展示方式。现在你在车库里看到的是一串数据,除非你是个经验丰富的老玩家,否则根本不能从这些数字中看出它是好是差。4级 车的炮塔装甲40mm是硬还是脆?6级MT的精度0.4是准还是渣?不再简单罗列这些数字,而是采用评级系统会不会更好一些呢?如果一个坦克在它这个等级 的装甲评级是5/5,就可以在使用之前直观了解到这车很硬。当然,老玩家还是想要看到所有的数据,比方说俯仰角、地面阻力系数、瞄准阔圈等等。这些数据可 以通过坦克基本数据的下拉菜单中调出,或者在另外一个数据专用页面。这样的修改可以避免玩家拿AMX40去点灯,“别骗我了,它明明就是个LT!”
-The one thing that kept coming up over and over was the issue of choice.WG want to give players more choices and for those choices to be both useful and playable.There should be less wrong choices in how you set up, equip and train your tanks and more right choices that are more or less right depending on how you like to play.
- 上面反复涉及的一个主题就是选择。WG想要给予玩家更多选择的机会,这些选择可以具有更多效用和可玩性。结果不是你选择了正确/错误的配件和技能,而是从多个正确的方案中选择更适合自己打法的那个。
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