
2015-06-24 21:46:19 神评论

17173 新闻导语


Hello Warriors,

according to StranaMechty (a Redditor and very good detective by the looks of it), there are more tank changes than Wargaming has listed in their portals.


This is what he gathered:


-On the vehicles listed by WG, though their average penetration values at 100 meters are not changing, their penetration dropoff values are.


-The values listed on the information cards are only for 100 meters, once a kinetic round passes that point the penetration decays linearly until the round reaches 500 meters, where it ceases dropping. As tanks ascend in tier this dropoff...drops off, becoming less consequential. Tier 10 mediums are the common poster children for this, the ones that fire APCR only lose 10mm at 500 meters (though the -M41 Bulldog and T71 are the secret winners, with only 2mm loss).

- 这个列表中仅列出了100米时的穿深数据,当动能炮弹(AP和APCR)飞行距离超越这个范围,它穿深数据就呈线性下降,直到飞行超过500米时穿深才不再衰减。随着坦克等级的提升, 穿深衰减就变得没那么重要了。十级中坦就是这个的典型例证,它们所发射的APCR弹在500米时仅衰减10mm穿深(M41斗牛犬和T71有个隐藏福利,它们仅有2mm的衰减)。

-On the 9.9 test server this is changing, with dropoff becoming much more severe. I have compiled a spreadsheet (shock! surprise!) of all affected weapons. Before you click, though, some notes and trends.

- 在9.9测试服中改变的就是穿深衰减变得更加严重。我做了一个表格列明了所有受到影响的主炮。在你看这些数据之前,需要先看一下下面的这些注释说明和可能的发展趋势。

Notes 注释说明

Some TD-specific variants of existing tank weapons were decoupled from the formerly identical stats of their counterparts. Usually this makes for a more powerful gun on the TDs than on the tanks, but not always. Pay attention to the notes column.


Tanks that formerly shared weapons with their tier 10s (ST-I and IS-4), or tier 9s from a different line (T30 and T95) may have been given a new gun with different stats. The 120mm on the AMX 50 120 is now markedly worse than the 120mm on the AMX 50B, for example. These weapons are denoted with a red background on the name and a note in the far right column. In cases such as this I have listed the values of the gun this new weapon was replacing as the "current" values. I do not know if this means unlocking the 113 will unlock the top gun for the WZ-120 (or similar such scenarios) any more.

那些和10级车共享同款主炮的坦克(比方说ST-I和IS-4),或者是不同线上共享同款主炮的9级坦克(比方说T30和T95)可能会被给予一杆数据不一样的新炮。例如AMX 50 120所用的120mm炮就明显要比AMX 50B的同款炮更烂一些。以红色底色标示名字的主炮,在最右栏会有一个注释说明。如果出现主炮替换,就以此来标示说明。关于点亮113后是否还能点亮WZ-120的顶级炮(或者其他类似的问题),这个我也不清楚。

The grey columns are standard ammo, the gold columns premium ammo. If you only see values for 100m penetration, the round is HEAT and does not decay. If you don't see any values in a column set, that particular round has not changed. German 10.5cm KwK 46 L/68, for instance, only had APCR change, so the AP column set is empty.

灰底色的表格栏位是银币弹数据,金底色的表格栏位是金币弹数据。如果发现有的主炮仅有100米穿深数据,说明它的炮弹是HEAT,这种炮弹没有穿深衰减。如果你发现一个栏位里没有数据,这就说明这个的数据没有任何变动。比方说,德国的KwK 46L/68炮只有APCR弹数据改动了,所以它的AP栏是空的。

General Trends - May not always hold true

可能的发展趋势—— 可能不具有普遍性

TDs get slightly more powerful variants of tank guns.


If a vehicle shares a weapon with its predecessor, it generally gets a slightly improved variant.


Penetration dropoff is much more severe with kinetic rounds than it was before.


With but a few exceptions, it seems almost everything is tier 8-10, lower tiers largely untouched.


Lights and arty untouched.


(其实我不知道怎么导出Google文档。刚开始的时候,为了能翻译表格里的几句话,我傻了[哔——]地去用Excle重新制作表格,等我把最难的第一个表格做完才突然想起来!!!完全可以修改网页元素再截图啊啊啊 啊啊啊 啊!这样多么简单快捷就算是截了图再PS也行啊...)


图表2:10级中坦穿深对比- 9.8 & 9.9



图表3:9级中坦穿深对比- 9.8 & 9.9

(注:54A炮是指 D-10T2C,54B炮是指 D-54 )

图表4: 10级重坦穿深对比- 9.8 & 9.9

图表5: 9级重坦穿深对比- 9.8 & 9.9


