
2015-04-10 23:07:05 神评论

17173 新闻导语




To many of you, the term “German engineering” is undoubtedly synonymous with high quality, accuracy, reliability and effectiveness. The robust E 50 Ausf. M is truly the embodiment of all these traits. If you love medium tanks and are looking for the proverbial German quality, this is definitely the tech branch you want to explore!



n-Game Performance


This monster of a medium tank is not one to be denied on the battlefields. Sporting one of the most accurate guns in the game, the E 50 Ausf. M (E 50 M) is more than capable of delivering damage effectively, even at great distances. Just like most Tier X mediums out there, this tank’s standard ammunition is APCR projectiles, which means that shells fired from its gun are capable of penetrating pretty much anything it may encounter (save for a few exceptions). In addition, the outstanding muzzle velocity makes anticipating enemy movement while aiming almost effortless. Combined with a rather comfortable reload time and decent alpha damage, these qualities make the E 50 M one of the most effective snipers on the battlefields!

这绝对是一个很能**♂利的中型坦克,拥有一门游戏中精度最铞的炮。他能在游戏的极限距离进行有效输出,和决大多数同级别MT一样,银币弹就是APCR,这意味着这个游戏里 他攻不穿的括约肌不多。极高的初速很容易计算对方体位提前量,**速度很舒服,单发输出也体面。这些特质足以让你成为一个优秀的黑**。哦不,狙击手。

Another great feature of this tank is its outstanding armour. The 150mm frontal plate is installed at a very acute angle, which in turn raises the effective armour thickness considerably while increasing the chances of a ricochet at the same time. If you angle it properly, you can even deflect shells fired from high-caliber Tier X guns! The outstanding armour also results in the vehicle weighing over 60 tons, which is a lot for a medium tank. However, the 1,200 h.p. engine compensates the enormous weight and means that the vehicle still has decent acceleration as well as a high top speed.


Last but not least, unlike other German tanks, the E 50 M has a rear-mounted transmission. This means that being shot in the lower glacis will not necessarily equal engine failure and fire like is the case for many other vehicles of this nation. Needless to say, this little adjustment in the tank’s design results in a huge increase in its survivability.

和任何现实中存在的能被禁止同性恋的元首意志所约束的德国车不同, 脱拉基游戏中烧死异性恋的符咒对他无效。他是个动力系统后置信奉“性别不一样怎能谈恋爱”的纯基佬。SERB的创造让他没那么容易被烧死。


Even though the E 50 M can easily be described as a state-of-the-art vehicle, it’s not entirely free from drawbacks. First and foremost, it still suffers from poor gun depression, another typical feature of German tanks. It won’t compete against American or Japanese tanks by using hull-down tactics any time soon. Secondly, all that wonderful armour does not come at the price of huge weight alone. In fact, it also makes the vehicle very big. Somebody once said that bigger is better – obviously they didn’t try driving the E 50 M through a battlefield under the watchful eyes of enemy scouts before making that statement. A huge silhouette equals a huge target with low camouflage values. Do we need to say more? Finally, the immense weight reduces the vehicle’s acceleration and manoeuvrability on soft terrain and while driving uphill. As a result, using it to cross marshes and damp ground can be pretty risky.


All in all, the E 50 M is a particularly well-rounded vehicle. However, to say it can be used in any scenario would not be accurate. As always, using the right tactics is the key to success.



“Aww, they really think they can outrun my APCR shells? How cute.”



