
2015-04-08 23:52:57 神评论

17173 新闻导语


Here it is:


- Storm was confronted with the fact that on one hand he claims that the French heavy line would not be original (in the sense of the game style being the same) while on the other hand we get spammed by premium clones of existing tanks (such as the Japanese Tiger). Storm's reply was that the premium clones are "rare";

- Storm面临着这样一个事实:一方面,他声称,法国重坦线不会传统的(从游戏风格的角度来说的相同);而另一方面,我们收到大量邮件抱怨现有的金币坦克都是各种克隆车(的抱怨)(例如日本的虎式)。

- In 9.8, some individual missions will be simplified. Players who did complete them previously when they were harder will not receive any compesation;

- 在9.8,个人任务将被简化。提前完成他们的玩家,他们努力不会得到任何补偿(译者注:欧买疙瘩,有人要哭了……);

- M48 Patton and SU-122-54 are "normal" statistics wise;

- M48巴顿和SU-122-54的统计数据显示了他们是“正常”滴(译者注:有点讽刺的以为);

- The East German T-55A will not receive different marks of excellence than the Soviet ones, it would require an overhaul of the code and "that's not worth doing for one tank";

- 东德的T-55A将不会得到像苏联坦克那样的不同的卓越标志,因为这需要代码大改,因此懒惰的毛子认为“为了这一辆坦克这么做是不值得的”;

- Storm confirms that the first two HT15 missions will be simplified;

- Storm确认重坦15任务中的前两个将被简化;

- The XP for tanking bonus will come soon. HE shells counting towards this bonus however - no ETA on that;

- 承担伤害奖金的经验很快就会来临。 HE弹导致的伤害也会被计算在内 - 但是没有确定什么时候实施;

- There will definitely be a penetration nerf of very high penetration guns;

- 对于高穿深的炮会有一次普遍的nerf;(译者注:这是要逼着玩家浪费炮弹么?还是要游戏经济再平衡了?)

- In 9.7 test 3 the French hightier tank characteristics are already final;

- 在9.7的3测中,法国高级坦克的特点已经最后(固定下来);

- M56 Scorpion is NOT a regular premium vehicle. It will be sold or given away only during some events;

- M56蝎式不是正常金币车辆,它只会通过某些渠道被出售或送出;(二类说:你再说什么?说什么?什么?么?……)

- Ferdinand in the game is "historical" according to Storm - with the exception of guns and engines "but that's unhistorical on almost all the tanks";

- 费迪南德在游戏中是“符合历史”的,Storm认为 - 除了炮和发动机“,但是这(两个方面)对于(游戏中)几乎所有的坦克来说都是‘不符合史实’的”;

- Ferdinand is reasonably popular (not too many play it but also not too few);

- 费迪南德是相当流行的(没有太多人玩,但也不是太少人玩——来绕口令:扁担长板凳宽,扁担想绑在板凳上……);

- Historical Ferdinand setup will also not be introduced as tier 7 premium;

- 历史版费迪南德的设置作为7级金币车不会显得太强;

- M48 Patton will be buffed ("when it's done it's done");

- M48巴顿将被加强(“当它完成时就会发布”);

- Developers are considering unifying the launcher for all the WG games (RG: maybe also allow us to change servers with only one downloaded copy?)

- 开发商正在考虑统一所有WarGaming游戏的启动器(RG:也许可以让我们变成只需要下载一个版本就可以玩不同的服务器?)(国服就别想了……阿门!)

- When reworking vehicles in HD, hightier and premium vehicles do have priority;

- 当HD车辆模型返工的时候,高级车和金币车确实拥有更高的优先级;

- It's possible that when historical battles return, they will also cover smaller local conflicts (but no guarantees);

- 历史战役返回游戏中是极有可能的,他们也将涵盖小型局部冲突(但不能保证)(译者注:莫非中东战争、韩战之类的局部战争也会出现了?);

- ARL 44 turret will be made historical when the vehicle is reworked to HD;

- 当ARL 44进行高清模型返工时,它的炮塔将做的更符合史实;

- It's possible artillery will be changed "not to be so frustrating for players". Storm later adds that WG "does not consider artillery to be a problem", but "there are some ideas how to solve it";

- 火炮将很有可能改为“不那么令玩家沮丧。”风暴后来补充说,WG“不认为火炮是一个问题”,而是“对于如何解决它有了一些想法”; (译者注:这沮丧到底是对于火炮玩家还是非火炮玩家来说的呢?)

- No planned changes to Karelia and Mines maps;

- 没有计划更改卡累利阿和湖边的角逐这两张地图;

- There are no plans to limit MM to less than +/-2;

- 有没有计划将分房系统减得比+/- 2更小;

- Limited MM premiums will be removed from sale because "they are breaking the food chain";

- 有限分房保护的金币坦克将被停止出售,因为“他们打破了食物链”;

- There will not be a special initiative to rebalance the light tank class. What there will be however are fixes of all vehicles that will include LT's as well;

- 不会有特别的举措来重新平衡轻型坦克。包含所有车辆的(再平衡)修复工作也将包括LT;

- There are no plans to nerf the E-25 (RG: Good);

- 有没有计划的nerf了E-25(RG:好);(译者注:对于已经买了E25的玩家来说是一个好消息)

- Fake Panther III aka E79 will not appear in the game;

- 伪装豹III又名E79将不会出现在游戏中;

- Developers are not planning to introduce premium tanks as a part of regular branches (as in you'd have to buy it to progress further);

- 开发商不打算引进金币坦克作为常规分支的一部分(比如像你必须买金币车才能继续研发下去这种秀下限的情况不会出现);(二雷说:毛子我可是投了钱的!咳咳咳……)

- There are no plans to convert existing tanks into premium status;

- 没有把现有的坦克转成金币坦克状态计划;(译者注:以前曾经有传说,毛子会出付费把银币坦克转成金币坦克,拥有1.5倍银币收益的状态)

- WG does not consider bad players a problem;

- WG不认为玩的不好的玩家是一个问题;(译者注:展翅高飞吧,我的菜鸟)

- There will apparently also be round 4 of the 9.7 test (RG: Again, let WG take their time with it, better waiting than receiving something rushed and barely playable);

- 很明显的9.7的测试将有4轮(RG:同样,让WG花时间把游戏做好,总强过等来的东西是匆忙赶工的、勉强可玩的);

- Artillery exping will likely not be made any faster because developers are afraid of "large concentrations of artillery on high tiers";

- 更多的火炮可能不会很快做出来,因为开发商担心“高级房中出现大量集中炮火”;

- There will be more premium tanks in 2015 (apart from those in 9.7);

- 将有更多优质的坦克在2015年出现(除了在9.7出现的那些);

- There will be more hightier regular tanks this year as well (apart from the 9.7 branch);

- 今年也将会有更多的高级普通的坦克(除了9.7的分支);

- Perks will not be reworked this year;

- 成员技能不会在今年进行返工;

- Minsk map will not come this year (it's possible it will not come at all);

- 明斯克地图不会今年到来(它也有可能不会来了);

- The Paris map is only being tested so far;

- 到目前为止,巴黎地图只在测试阶段;

- Players are whining a lot about the VK4502B historical nerf (80mm of armor) Storm: "the old gameplay based on armor will remain with the prototype Maus on tier 9";

- 玩家对于VK4502B“符合历史”的nerf(装甲为80mm)有很多抱怨。Storm认为:“基于原来游戏的装甲设定将会被保留在9级的鼠式原型上”;

- Mauschen (VK4502B replacement) frontal turret is 240mm thick and it doesn't have the machinegun weakspot. The only real weakspot of the Mauschen is the lower frontal plate, but its area is 3 times smaller than the one on the VK4502B;

- Mauschen(“鼠式原型”)(VK4502B替换的车)炮塔前装甲有240毫米厚,它不具有机枪射击孔弱点。Mauschen的唯一真正弱点是前装甲的首下位置,但其面积比VK4502B要小3倍;

- Mauschen upper frontal plate is 200mm thick (31 degrees);

- Mauschen首上装甲为200mm厚(31度);

- Dx11 support is still deep in development, too early to talk about it;

- 支持DX11还在深度开发中,现在谈论它还过早;(老张暴走!!!尼玛,DX12都快出来了,WG你们还准备抱着DX9进棺材?!!!)

- AMX ELC will not get a 360 degrees rotating turret;

- AMX ELC不会得到一个360度可旋转的炮塔;

- There are no plans for third Soviet TD line (turreted) for now;

- 现在还没有计划苏联TD(有炮塔)的第三线;

- According to WG statistics, IS-4 and IS-7 are not the worst tier 10 heavies;

- 据WarGaming的统计,IS-4和IS-7不是10级重坦中最糟糕的(译者注:那你告诉我10级重坦中最糟糕的是哪个?);

- For now there are no plans to review the XP and credit profitability of tier 8 LT;

- 现在还没有计划调查8级轻坦的经验和银币收益能力;

- Regarding reworking the artillery for less alpha, bigger splash and more randomness inside the aim circle, this will not happen - Storm states that this would in the end produce higher damage output and frustration to non-arty players;

- 关于火炮更小的单发伤害,更大的溅射范围和目标圈内弹着点更多的随机性这几方面的重做不会出现。 —— Storm指出,对于非“文艺”玩家来说,会带来更高的伤害或者更大的挫败感;(译者注:是不是对于火炮大神来说,更神了?)

- Currently, high-end content is the main direction the WoT development is heading to;

- 目前,高端内容是WOT未来发展的主要方向;

- Current accuracy level in WoT is final, no other plans for accuracy buffs or nerfs;

- 当前的精度水平对于WOT来说是最终的,没有其他计划精度进行增强或者削弱;

- There is no single player discrimination in WoT (Storm refers to the presence of platoon missions in the individual mission program);

- 在WOT中没有单野玩家歧视(Storm谈到个人任务中包含组队任务);(译者注:或许毛子是希望单野玩家尝试游戏中更多的玩法吧。)

- 9.7 ETA: "when the bugs are fixed, we don't want to release a broken patch";

- 9.7 ETA:“当Bug被修复的时候,我们不希望放出一个烂补丁”;

- Developers are planning to introduce vehicle customization in the future - players will be able to hang track links, fuel tanks and other stuff on their tank. These will influence the collision model (will act as extra armor) (RG: Now that's interesting).

- 开发者计划在未来推出车辆定制化的功能。即玩家将可以在坦克上挂坦克履带板,油箱和其他的一些东西。这些都会影响到碰撞模型(将作为额外的护甲)(RG:这才叫有意思)。


