
2015-04-02 21:46:09 神评论

17173 新闻导语


原文:http://worldoftanks.eu/en/news/p ... hop-today-panzer2j/



This April we are making dreams come true. What would you say to having an epically rare, absolutely legendary tank put in the Premium Shop? You’re probably now thinking: “you’re joking, right?”


Are we really?


There’s only one way to find out!

你们只需要做的就是 买买买买

The following offer will be available in the Premium Shop from 1 April at 09:55 until 2 April at 09:55 CEST (UTC +2).



Released in EU as an exclusive prize for stage activities during gamescom in 2012, the Pz.Kpfw. II Ausf. J has been a persistent dream of many tank collectors ever since. This little buggy-like tank has never made an appearance since then, which makes it one of the rarest vehicles you can meet in World of Tanks. Don’t be fooled by its small size and innocent looks, though – those who underestimate it, usually end up cursing at their monitors and raising their fists towards the skies in anguish.

我们最有节**白毛在欧服 2012年做活动推出过一批2号J,后来他就成为SM爱好者哦不坦克收藏家的萌想之物。至少在咱有节操的欧服这个机动性还不如手推车的东西是极其稀罕的宝贝疙瘩,不要被他小方糖一样的尺寸和我见犹怜的外观所迷惑,他的嗜血残暴会让广大低级房的萌新玩家把自己拔成吴克、砸碎无数键盘(谁说白毛不是硬件厂家的走狗我跟你急)

If you wanted to describe the tank in just one word, “extreme” would be the closest one to grasp its nature. The Pz. II J is indeed an embodiment of polar opposites that tend to bounce from one extreme to another: it’s a small and compact light tank, yet it’s slower and more cumbersome than a lot of heavies out there; its armour can compete even with some Tier V tanks, yet its armament is a mere Tier I machine gun; when in a Tier III battle, it can almost bend time and space to its will, yet when placed in a Tier IV match, it may be borderline insignificant.


Despite its chaotic nature – and possible insane ammo resupply bills – most of the lucky few who managed to secure this gem in their garages would never trade their “J-Power” for anything else. Sure, you may end up pretty much as just a glorified placeholder in a Tier IV match, or be forced to spend literally tens of thousands of credits on APCR shells in order to be able to deal any damage at all. Yet the feeling of driving this demi-god of a tank when assigned to a Tier III battle is like nothing you have ever experienced in the game. There are machines you can either love or hate, but in the case of the Pz.Kpfw. II J, you can only either love hating or hate loving it.

他的属性是混乱邪恶,可能不经意导致产生一个让你被吓晕过去的弹药费。如果你有理智,他是车库里的完美收藏品,如果你丧失理智,他可能只是四级房里的人工挂机佬,即便你把辛苦赚来的银币全换成APCR泼出去,都可能是0伤害。然而驾驶这种半神级别的坦克,任何困难都不足以掩饰你在三级房为王♂的愉♂悦,他满足了 你玩坦克世界最初最本质的欲望。


