
2015-04-01 23:26:31 神评论

17173 新闻导语



In-Game Performance


The IS-4 can be described as a very well-rounded tank with decent values in most aspects. The highlight of this vehicle is definitely its gun which has relatively good alpha damage potential, aiming time and penetration values. Moreover, it’s also quite accurate for a Soviet tank. Make no mistake however – Soviet standards of accuracy differ greatly from the ones you may be accustomed to if you have played tanks of other nations. When we say “quite accurate by Soviet standards,” we mean “rather less accurate” by American standards and “a piece of junk” by German ones. Hence, if you want to get this vehicle, abandon all hopes of using it as the team’s sniper.


Another great feature of this vehicle is the armour. Even though the frontal plate is only 140 mm thick, it is very well sloped. As a result, the effective armour thickness is much greater than it looks on paper and there is a high chance of incoming fire ricocheting. It is worth mentioning at this point that the vehicle’s sides are also very well armoured, sporting a total of 160 mm thick plating – a feature which is quite useful in the heat of the battle. However, the strongest part of the tank is its outstanding turret: not only does it have great armour-thickness values on all sides, it is also well sloped on its front, making it very difficult to penetrate.


As youknow, there is no perfect tank and the IS-4 is not free from flaws . One of the most obvious drawbacks this vehicle suffers from is its bad mobility. The tank does not accelerate too well and its turning speed is simply dreadful. On top of that, even though the frontal upper plate is quite decent in terms of protection, the lower glacis can’t be relied on – it’s relatively large and can be penetrated by pretty much anything fired at it. In addition to this, having your front penetrated quite often results in the driver being knocked out. Needless to say, this may cause a lot of complications, especially if you’re busy fending off an opponent who is more mobile than you.


All in all, the IS-4 is a quite well-rounded tank that performs quite nicely but does not really have any extraordinary qualities thatdistinguish it in any way. As a result, it’s not the easiest vehicle to master and can cause a lot of frustration, so, as ever, the right tactic is key to success.




The IS-4 can be described as a text book example of a first-line assault vehicle. Its role on the battlefield is very rigid and any attempts at utilizing it differently will most likely end in a spectacular disaster. The tank is too inaccurate to be an effective sniper and too slow to act as a flanker. As a result, it will never perform well unless you play it as a pure, ironclad, frontline breaker/defender. That is why when you enter a battle in the IS-4, you have to assume the role of the team’s hammer – a rough, unsophisticated, brutal weapon which only existsto smash, crush and destroy the enemy with raw force. It is your undisputed responsibility to make direct contact with the enemy, brawl in close quarters, break enemy defenses and defend strategic positions by any means necessary. If you refuse to act accordingly, you will be a major liability to your team and most likely one of the decisive factors in the team’s defeat. The IS-4’s place is always in the first line of the front. Always.

IS-4被用来执行教科书式的**器任务,任何别出心裁的用法都很可能导致己方重坦线灾难性的崩盘(IS-4打黑枪,队友士气崩溃)。黑枪反正也不准,包抄的话走远路队友死光你还没到。因此不要以为你开IS-4就能比别人神到哪里去,除非队友全上山了你一个人守锡城。最好还是承担起团队之盾的责任, 粉碎对面的进攻,为战线的进退起到决定性的作用,通过近距离的作战打击敌人。如果你拒绝承担应有的责任,那么输了就全怪你(主人怎么可能错?如果主人错了请参照前句)。

Being in the right place at the right time, however, is not enough to be effective. Bearing in mind the vehicle’s setbacks and strong points, you also need to adjust your combat routine accordingly. First and foremost, you need to protect your lower glacis. It is the biggest weak spot your vehicle has. Therefore, hull-down should be your primary manoeuvre – find a pile of rubble, a wreck or a rock and use it as a shield to protect your lower plate. Driving into a deep bomb crater can work as well. In case there is nothing you can use for that purpose, angle your tank towards incoming fire. This way you’ll increase the chance to ricochet incoming shells and avoid damage. Depending on the situation, moving your hull around can also work to your benefit, as it will make it more difficult for the enemy to aim.


As always, please consider the setup for both the equipment and crew skills as suggestions. Feel free to experiment on your own and choose what you think works best for you.


Roll out, Commanders!

滚把 脱啦基佬

“Roll out? More like ‘Roll through!’ ”



