
2015-01-25 21:57:02 神评论

17173 新闻导语


How Individual Missions Came to Be

Source:http://wargaming.com/ru/articles ... al_missions_in_wot/

Wargaming’s corporate blog posted an article on how the IM’s came to be. Let’s check it out. The bold parts are highlighted by me.


The first part of the post deals with what are the IM’s. Nothing really new there. But then comes the history part.


The idea for this new made was tied to the development of team battles and clanwars (or, rather, clan functions). In Spring 2014, team battles were already implemented, as was the CW mode and stronkholds were under development. But solo players didn’t have any long term goals in the game, apart from playing random battles to unlock new tanks. This caused a wave of discontent amongst solo players – they complained that they are at an disadvantage to clan players, especially when it came to handing out special reward tanks for campaigns, all the while there was no way to get these solo.




The IM concept came to be in very early 2014 and did not change ever since – the concept was that the players would complete long chains of missions and would be rewarded with attractive prizes for them. The model was then developed and existed in many interations, but the backbone, theconceptremained the same.

个人任务的概念产生于2014年年初,而且从那时起就基本定型了—— 玩家通过完成一系列任务来获得比较吸引人的任务奖励。模式雏形很快就被做出来了,并历经多次改进,但主题和概念一直没变。

The mechanism of having to start the IM’s manually was added intentionally, because with regular missions, it was percieved as a problem that the players didn’t have to do that and that they could just complete a mission without even knowing about it. The IM’s introduced a concept of knowingly having to accept the conditions of the mission, also knowingly setting a goal for next few battles, the players have to see what they have to do and what will their reward will be.This was done to psychologically and emotionally tie the players to the missions. When a player accepts the goal himself, he gets more positive emotions and is interested in staying in the game longer.


Development from the first idea to the release took almost a year. The concept appeared in Spring, the development of UI started in July, the mode was ready in November. There were changes to this idea too.First, it was considered to allow the players to complete unlimited amount of missions on one class of vehicles, but it was considered that allowing a player to progress through one class of vehicles and leaving it at that reduced the interest and involvement of the player.Therefore, in October, it was decided to split the missions into several groups (based on how complicated they are) and to introduce a reward for each such group. This motivates players and gives them the opportunity to play all types of vehicles.


The UI was also changed. At first, a player had to not only pick up the mission manually, but also manually turn it in.After a laboratory user experience testing, it was found out that turning the mission in (after it is completed) automatically will not reduce player’s emotional tie to this game mode and action awareness and as a result, the “turn in” button in UI was scrapped.In the beginning, a player also recieved a system message, that had to be viewed and a button had to be pressed in order to move towards the next mission. Instead, a nice greeting window was introduced after the battle was over.


Girl Tankers


The girl crews came to be after one of the devs, Levon Zakharchenko during a brainstorm session looked at a “magazine for men” Wargaming employees recieved as a New Year gift and proposed the crews to be girls after seeing the girls on the cover.(SS: Wargaming employees sure recieve interesting gifts). Everyone liked the idea and the historical consultants confirmed that there were women tankers in WW2 as well. And so, a spontaneous idea was quickly implemented (SS: my ass, this was proposed MANY times over the years by dozens of players on every server).

女性车组乘员的点子是咋来的呢?是开发人员Levon Zakharchenko在一次集体讨论会议上看到一份“男性杂志”的封面女郎后突发奇想提出来的,而这份杂志...是WG雇员收到的新年礼物(SS:WG雇员总是收到各种神奇的礼物)。每个人都觉得这个主意屌爆了,历史方面的砖家也说在二战中真的有女坦克手。然后,这么一个自发形成的主意很快就被贯彻执行了。(SS:卧槽!在过去一年中,已经不知道全世界有多少玩家提议加入女坦克手了!你们竟然说这个主意是你们自己想的!?)



IM’s will come in seasons. It would be stupid to stop after one set, as the UI WG developed is too good for that. The first campaign will take about half a year and player feedback will be taken into account in future development.



