17173 新闻导语
Due to moving AMX 12t, AMX 13 75, AMX 13 90, Lorraine 40t, Bat Chatillon 25tvehicles 1 Tier up the price and research cost for the vehicles and their modules was changed along with the camouflage price.
当 12T,1375,1390,洛林40T,查狄伦25T各自升一级后。 价钱,车辆和装备的研发经验,以及涂装的价钱都将改变。
AMX 12t:
Load capacity of stock suspension increased by 350 kg
白板车重量加 350kg
Gun dispersion when moving and traversing decreased by 8%
移动散布 减少 8%
First suspension passability on solid soils increased by 8%
First suspension passability on medium soils increased by 14%
第一条履带在中等地面的适应性加 14%
First suspension passability on soft soils increased by 15%
第一条履带在柔软地面的适应性加 15%
Second suspension passability on medium soils increased by 15%
第二条履带在中等地面上的适应性加 15%
Second suspension passability on soft soils increased by 10%
第二条履带在柔软地面上的适应性加 10%
ER 53 radio replaced with SCR 528 radio
ER 53电台替换成 SCR 528电台
View range increased by 20m
Vehicle durability increased by 180 HP
加 180HP
75 mm Long 44 and 75 mm SA32 removed
Long 44 和SA32炮移除
75 mm SA50 gun researchable after 75 mm SA49 L48 added
加入 SA49 L48 和 之后研发的 SA50 炮(1375用炮)
Reloading speed within the drum of 75 mm SA49 L48 gun increased by 22%
SA49 L48 炮的弹夹内 填装速度上升 22%
75 mm SA49 L48 gun dispersion with turret rotation increased by 11%
SA49 L48 的转弯散布 上升 11%
AMX 13 75:
Dispersion when moving and traversing with first suspension decreased by 8%
移动散布散布削减 8%
First suspension passability on solid soils increased by 10%
第一条履带在硬质路面上适应性加 10%
First suspension passability on medium soils increased by9%
第一条履带在中等路面上适应性 加9%
First suspension passability on soft soils increased by 11%
第一条履带在柔软路面上适应性 加 11%
Dispersion when moving and traversing with second suspension decreased by 4%
第二条履带的移动散布 削减 4%
Second suspension passability on solid soils increased by 11%
第二条履带在硬质地面上适应性加 11%
Second suspension passability on medium soils increased by 10%
第二条履带在中等地面上适应性加 10%
Second suspension passability on soft soils increased by 13%
第二条履带在柔软地面上适应性加 13%
Tank durability increased by 250 HP
加 250HP
View range increased on 10m
视野加 10m
Turret turning speed increased by 2 degrees per second
炮塔转向加 2deg/sec
Aiming time for 75 mm SA49 L48 gun decreased by 0,2 sec
SA49 L448 的瞄准时间减少 0.2秒
Reloading speed within the drum of 75 mm of SA49 L48 gun increased by 9%
SA49 L48的弹夹内装填速度加 9%
Reloading time of 75 mm SA49 L48 gun decreased by 1 sec
SA49 L48的装填时间减少 1秒
Aiming time for 75 mm SA50 decreased by 0,2 sec
Reloading speed within the drum of 75 mm SA50 increased by 11%
SA50的弹夹内填装速度上升 11%
Reloading time of 75 mm SA50 gun decreased by 1 sec
装填速度减少 1秒
AMX 13 90:
Dispersion when moving and traversing with first suspension decreased by 4%
移动散布削减 45
First suspension passability on solid soils increased by 10%
第一条履带在硬质地面上的适应性 加 10%
First suspension passability on medium soils increased by9%
第一条履带在中等地面的适应性加 9%
First suspension passability on soft soils increased by 11%
第一条履带在柔软地面上的适应性加 11%
Second suspension passability on solid soils increased by 11%
第二条履带在硬质地面上的适应性 加 11%
Second suspension passability on medium soils increased by 10%
第二条履带在中等路面上的适应性 加10%
Second suspension passability on soft soils increased by 13%
Tank durability increased by 100 HP
加 100 HP
Turret turning speed increased by 2 degrees per second
炮塔转速加 2 deg/sec
Aiming time for 75 mm SA50 decreased by 0,2 sec
SA50瞄准时间减少 0.2 sec
Reloading speed within the drum of 75 mm SA50 increased by 11%
SA50炮的弹夹内装填速度增加 11%
Lorraine 40t:
洛林 40t
Load capacity of first suspension increased by 100 kg
第一条履带的载重 加100KG
First suspension passability on solid soils increased by 8%
第一条履带在硬质地面上的适应性加 8%
First suspension passability on medium soils increased by 14%
第一条履带在中等地面上的适应性加 14%
First suspension passability on soft soils increased by 9%
Dispersion when moving and traversing with second suspension decreased by 10%
Second suspension passability on solid soils increased by 9%
第二条履带在硬质地面上的适应性加 9%
Second suspension passability on medium soils increased by 8%
第二条履带在中等地面上的适应性 加8%
Second suspension passability on soft soils increased by 10%
第二条履带在柔软地面上的适应性加 10%
Maybach HL 230 and Maybach HL 230P45 engines removed
HL 230 和 HL 230P45 引擎被移除
Tank durability increased by 250 HP
加 250HP
Turret turning speed increased by 4 degrees per second
炮塔转速加 4 deg/sec
90 mm Canon DCA45 gun removed
Canon DCA45 炮被移除
Reloading speed within the drum of 100 mm SA47 gun increased by 38%
SA 47 的弹夹内装填速度提升 38%
Reloading time of 100 mm SA47 mm decreased by 12 sec
SA47的装填时间减少 12秒(我擦~~~~说没90mm炮洛林被削弱的人都过来瞅瞅,毛子不敢砍舅舅放心吧)
Dispersion 100 mm SA47 gun while turning the turret decreased by 10%
SA47 炮塔旋转散布削减 10%
Penetration with APCR shell Frt Prf 1945 of 100 mm SA47 gun decreased by 45 mm
Frt Prf 1945(100 mm SA47 用APCR弹),的穿透削减45mm
Reloading speed within the drum of 90 mm F3 gun increased by 23%
90mm F3的弹夹内装填速度加快 23%
Reloading of 90 mm F3 gun decreased by 10 sec
90 mm F3 的装填时间缩短10秒(同上~~~~)
Dispersion of 90 mm F3 gun while turning the turret decreased by 10%
90mm F3炮的炮塔旋转散布削减 10%
Bat Chatillon 25t:
查狄伦 25t
Stock suspension, SCR 508 radio and SOFAM 12GSds engine removed
白板履带,SCR 508电台 和 SOFAM 12GSDS 引擎被移除
Vehicle can now turn in place without moving (same feature have all TD’s)
Dispersion when moving and traversing decreased by 11%
移动散布削减 11%
Chance of fire of Hispano-Suiza HS110 engine decreased by 2%
HS110引擎的着火率削减 2%
Tank durability increased by 300 HP
加 300HP
90 mm Canon DCA45 gun removed
90mm DCA45炮移除
105 mm CN105 57 gun added as researchable aftre 100 mm SA47 gun
105mm CN105 57作为 100mm SA47的下级炮加入
Aiming time of 100 mm SA47 gun decreased by 0,3 sec
SA47的瞄准时间减少 0.3秒
Reloading time of 100 mm SA47 gun decreased by 4 sec
SA47的装填时间减少 4秒
Dispersion of 100 mm SA47 gun with turret rotation decreased by 11%
SA47的炮塔旋转散布 削减 11%
Penetration with APCR shell Frt Prf 1945 of 100 mm SA47 gun decreased by 45 mm
SA47 的APCP蛋的穿深削减 45mm
Aiming time of 90 mm F3 gun decreased by 0,3 sec
90MM F3的瞄准时间削减 0.3秒
Reloading time of90 mm F3 gun decreased by 6 sec
90mm F3的装填时间削减 6秒
Dispersion of 90 mm F3 gun with turret rotation decreased by 11%
90mm F3的炮塔旋转散布 削减11%
AMX 13 F3AM:
Reloading time of Obusier de 155 mm mle.1917 gun increased by 1,2 sec
MLE 1917炮的装填时间加1.2秒
Gun dispersion on traversing increased by 25%
移动中散布加 25%
Lorraine 155 50:
Dispersion when moving and traversing increased by 8%
移动中散布加 8%
Reloading time of Canon de 155 mm de 33 calibres gun increased by 1,6 sec
de 33炮的装填时间加1.6秒
Elevation angles of Canon de 155 mm de 33 calibres gun decreased by 4 degrees
de 33 的仰角削减 4度
Reloading time of Obusier de 155 mm mle.1950 increased by 2 sec
MLE 1950 的装填时间加2秒
Elevation angles of Obusier de 155 mm mle.1950 decreased by 4 degrees
MLE 1950的仰角削弱 4度
Lorraine 155 51:
Dispersion when moving and traversing with first suspension increased by 8%
第一条履带的移动散布加 8%
Dispersion when moving and traversing with second suspension increased by 9%
第二条履带的移动散布加 9%(不把手打的人当人看,你都削9%不得了)
Reloading time of Canon de 155 mm L GPF gun increased by 1 sec
L GPF炮的装填时间加 1秒
Elevation angles of Canon de 155 mm L GPF gun decreased by 4 degrees
L GPF 的仰俯角削减4度
Reloading time of Obusier de 155 mm mle.1950 gun increased by 2,5 sec
MLE 1950的装填时间加 2.5秒
Elevation angles of Obusier de 155 mm mle.1950 gun decreased by 4 degrees
MLE 1950的仰俯角 削减4度
Bat Chatillon 155:
查狄伦 155
Dispersion when moving and traversing decreased by 4%
移动散布削减 4%(还减少?这货不是火炮吧?)
Chance of fire of Hispano-Suiza HS110 engine decreased by 2%
HS110 引擎的着火率减少 2%
Elevation angles of Canon de 155 mm gun decreased by 4 degrees
仰俯角减少 4度
AMX 50 100:
Penetration with APCR shell Frt Prf 1945 100 mm of SA47gun decreased by 45mm
SA47 用APCR穿深削减 45mm
AMX 50 120:
Penetration with APCR shell Frt Prf 1945 100 mm of SA47 gun decreased by 45mm
SA47 用APCR穿深削减 45mm
Renault UE 57:
View range decreased by 40m
视野加 40mm
S35 CA:
Dispersion of 17 pdr Gun Mk.II gun doubled when moving the gun
当你移动时 MK.II炮是两倍散布
Dispersion of 17 pdr Gun Mk.II after firing increased by 17%
Reloading time of 90 mm Canon DCA30 CA gun increased by 01 sec
DCA30 CA炮的装填时间加0.1秒
Dispersion of 90 mm Canon DCA30 CA gun increased by 33% when moving the gun
DCA30 CA 炮的移动散布加 33%
Dispersion of 90 mm Canon DCA30 CA after firing increased by 17%
DCA30 CA 开火后散布加 17%
Reloading time of Canon de 105 mle.1930 Schneider AC increased by 0,3 sec
MLE 1930炮装填时间加 0.3秒
ARL V39:
Reloading time of 90 mm Canon DCA30 CA gun increased by 0,6 sec
DCA30 CA炮的装填时间加 0.6秒
Dispersion of 90 mm Canon DCA30 CA gun by 50% when moving the gun
DCA30 CA 炮的移动散布为 50% (他没说加减~~~我就着这翻译,我确定我看的是官网~~~)
Dispersion of Canon de 105 mle.1930 Schneider AC gun by 33% when moving the gun
MLE 1930炮的移动散布为 33%
AMX AC mle.1946:
Vehicle durability decreased by 10 HP
削减 10HP(反正对于我野蜂来说都是一炮的货)
Max speed on move decreased on 2 km/h
急速削减 2km/h
Dispersion of 100 mm SA47 AC gun increased by 33% when moving the gun
SA47 AC 的移动散布加 33%
Penetration with APCR shell Frt Prf 1945 of 100 mm SA47 AC gun decreased by 45mm
SA47 AC用 APCR弹 穿深削减 45mm
Reloading time of 90 mm Canon DCA30 CA increased by 0,3 sec
DCA30 CA的装填时间加 0.3秒
Reloading time of 90 mm Canon DCA45 AC gun increased by 0,1 sec
DCA45 AC的装填时间 0.1秒
Dispersion of90 mm Canon DCA45 AC gun on turret rotation increased by 50%
DCA45 AC的炮塔旋转散布(这货不是TD么?有炮塔么?)加 50%
AMX AC mle.1948:
Penetration with APCR shell Frt Prf 1945 of 100 mm SA47 AC gun decreased by 45mm
SA47 AC用 APCR弹 穿深削减 45mm
Reloading time of 120 mm SA46 AC increased by 0,2 sec
SA46 AC的装填时间加 0.2秒
AMX 50 Foch:
AMX 50 福熙
First suspension passability on solid soils decreased by 8%
第一条履带在硬质地面的适应性削减 8%
First suspension passability on medium soils decreased by 7%
第一条履带在中等路面的适应性削减 7%
First suspension passability on soft soils decreased by 9%
第一条履带在柔软地面的适应性削减 9%
Second suspension passability on solid soils decreased by 8%
第二条履带在硬质地面的适应性削减 8%
Second suspension passability on medium soils decreased by 8%
第二条履带在中等地面的适应性削减 8%
Second suspension passability on soft soils decreased by 10%
第二条履带在柔软地面的适应性削减 10%
Durability decreased by 50 HP
Reloading time of 120 mm SA46 AC gun increased by 0,6 sec
SA46 AC的装填时间加 0.6秒
Dispersion of 120 mm SA46 AC gun doubled when moving the gun
SA46 AC的移动散布双倍
Accuracy of 120 mm SA46 AC gun decreased by 0,01
SA46 AC的精准削减 0.01
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