
2012-07-27 11:26:10 神评论

17173 新闻导语


Due to moving AMX 12t, AMX 13 75, AMX 13 90, Lorraine 40t, Bat Chatillon 25tvehicles 1 Tier up the price and research cost for the vehicles and their modules was changed along with the camouflage price.

当 12T,1375,1390,洛林40T,查狄伦25T各自升一级后。 价钱,车辆和装备的研发经验,以及涂装的价钱都将改变。

AMX 12t:

Load capacity of stock suspension increased by 350 kg

白板车重量加 350kg

Gun dispersion when moving and traversing decreased by 8%

移动散布 减少 8%

First suspension passability on solid soils increased by 8%


First suspension passability on medium soils increased by 14%

第一条履带在中等地面的适应性加 14%

First suspension passability on soft soils increased by 15%

第一条履带在柔软地面的适应性加 15%

Second suspension passability on medium soils increased by 15%

第二条履带在中等地面上的适应性加 15%

Second suspension passability on soft soils increased by 10%

第二条履带在柔软地面上的适应性加 10%

ER 53 radio replaced with SCR 528 radio

ER 53电台替换成 SCR 528电台

View range increased by 20m


Vehicle durability increased by 180 HP

加 180HP

75 mm Long 44 and 75 mm SA32 removed

Long 44 和SA32炮移除

75 mm SA50 gun researchable after 75 mm SA49 L48 added

加入 SA49 L48 和 之后研发的 SA50 炮(1375用炮)

Reloading speed within the drum of 75 mm SA49 L48 gun increased by 22%

SA49 L48 炮的弹夹内 填装速度上升 22%

75 mm SA49 L48 gun dispersion with turret rotation increased by 11%

SA49 L48 的转弯散布 上升 11%

AMX 13 75:

Dispersion when moving and traversing with first suspension decreased by 8%

移动散布散布削减 8%

First suspension passability on solid soils increased by 10%

第一条履带在硬质路面上适应性加 10%

First suspension passability on medium soils increased by9%

第一条履带在中等路面上适应性 加9%

First suspension passability on soft soils increased by 11%

第一条履带在柔软路面上适应性 加 11%

Dispersion when moving and traversing with second suspension decreased by 4%

第二条履带的移动散布 削减 4%

Second suspension passability on solid soils increased by 11%

第二条履带在硬质地面上适应性加 11%

Second suspension passability on medium soils increased by 10%

第二条履带在中等地面上适应性加 10%

Second suspension passability on soft soils increased by 13%

第二条履带在柔软地面上适应性加 13%

Tank durability increased by 250 HP

加 250HP

View range increased on 10m

视野加 10m

Turret turning speed increased by 2 degrees per second

炮塔转向加 2deg/sec

Aiming time for 75 mm SA49 L48 gun decreased by 0,2 sec

SA49 L448 的瞄准时间减少 0.2秒

Reloading speed within the drum of 75 mm of SA49 L48 gun increased by 9%

SA49 L48的弹夹内装填速度加 9%

Reloading time of 75 mm SA49 L48 gun decreased by 1 sec

SA49 L48的装填时间减少 1秒

Aiming time for 75 mm SA50 decreased by 0,2 sec


Reloading speed within the drum of 75 mm SA50 increased by 11%

SA50的弹夹内填装速度上升 11%

Reloading time of 75 mm SA50 gun decreased by 1 sec

装填速度减少 1秒

AMX 13 90:

Dispersion when moving and traversing with first suspension decreased by 4%

移动散布削减 45

First suspension passability on solid soils increased by 10%

第一条履带在硬质地面上的适应性 加 10%

First suspension passability on medium soils increased by9%

第一条履带在中等地面的适应性加 9%

First suspension passability on soft soils increased by 11%

第一条履带在柔软地面上的适应性加 11%

Second suspension passability on solid soils increased by 11%

第二条履带在硬质地面上的适应性 加 11%

Second suspension passability on medium soils increased by 10%

第二条履带在中等路面上的适应性 加10%

Second suspension passability on soft soils increased by 13%


Tank durability increased by 100 HP

加 100 HP

Turret turning speed increased by 2 degrees per second

炮塔转速加 2 deg/sec

Aiming time for 75 mm SA50 decreased by 0,2 sec

SA50瞄准时间减少 0.2 sec

Reloading speed within the drum of 75 mm SA50 increased by 11%

SA50炮的弹夹内装填速度增加 11%

支持键盘 ← 和 → 分页

