[7.5]美服最终变更 12T以及各车补偿计划

2012-07-27 11:25:20 神评论

17173 新闻导语







With the 7.5 addition of a few new tanks the French Tech Tree is in need of some rearranging.


With the addition of the ELC AMX, the АМХ 12t is going to be moved up to Tier 6. Its place at tier 5 in the Tech tree will be taken over by theELC AMX.

加入ELC AMX,AMX 12t 会升到6级,他在5级的位置将由ELC AMX代替。

Case 1. AMX 12t isn’t in the garage at the time of the update release, but is fully researched:

案例 1. AMX 12t 不在车库,但是已经完全研发。

Both tanks, ELC AMX and AMX 12t, will be researched 。

ELC AMX 和AMX 12t 都已研发

All undistributed experience goes from AMX 12tremains onAMX 12t

所有在12T上的未使用的经验转到新 6级12T上。

Any crew member in the barracks or in a tank, who possesses the tier 5 AMX 12t skills, get the ability to be used in the tier 6 AMX 12t without any changes or losses


Tier 5 AMX 12t combat statistics will be moved to the tier 6 AMX 12twithout any losses


All AMX 12t modules in the depot that don’t fit other tanks will be automatically sold at the original purchase price


All AMX 12t modules fitting other tanks will be saved in the depot, the same goes for shells of the respective guns


Case 2. AMX 12t is in the garage at the time of the update release. All the rules as mentioned in Case 1 apply along with the following:

案例2: 12T在车库中(所有案例1中的也将生效)

AMX 12t as tier 5 light tank is substituted with AMX 12t as tier 6 light tank


Ammunition mounted onto the AMX 12t goes to the depot


Consumables and Equipment mounted onto the tier 5 AMX 12t remain on AMX 12tat tier 6.


Players get the light french Tier 5 tank ELC AMX (without equipment, consumables, ammunition) and one slot for this tank for free

玩家将获得一个5级法国轻坦 ELC AMX(无配件,无消耗品,无弹药)和一个免费车位。

Players get a new full crew for the ELC AMX with 100% training

玩家将获得一个100%的ELC AMX车组。

Camouflage mounted onto the Tier 5 AMX 12tis moved to tier 6 AMX 12t and to ELC AMX as well

以安装好的东西将从5级12T上移到6级12T和 ELC AMX上(瞎翻译的,自己再确定下)

The expiration date of the camo on both vehicles stays the same as it was for the AMX 12t at the moment when the substitution takes place.


Other French Tech Tree Changes:


AMX 13 75 is going to be moved up to Tier 7

13 75 升至7级

АМХ 13 90 is going to be moved up to Tier 8

13 90 升至8级

Lorraine 40t is going to be moved up to Tier 9:

洛林 40T升至 9级

There will be no additional compensation


Modules will be changed to equivalent new ones


Maybach HL 230P45 Engine and Gun 90mm DCA 45 mounted onto the tank go to the depot. The tank will have only stock modules and ammunition for the stock gun

HL 230P45发动机和90MM DCA 45(洛林的90炮)将被移除,坦克将只有白板炮和白板炮的炮弹

Shells for Gun 90mm DCA 45 go to the depot


Bat Chatillon 25t is going to be moved up to Tier 10:

查狄伦 25T 将被升到10级

There will be no additional compensation.


Stock modules will be changed to equivalent new ones (both in the Tech tree and mounted onto the tank).There is nothing being moved to the depot


All stock modules in depot that don’t fit other tanks are sold at original purchase price and credits go to player’s account


Suspensions in depot are sold at original purchase price and credits go to player’s account


Gun105mm CN 105 57 will be mounted onto the tank only if the Gun 100 mm SA 47 was researched and mounted onto the tank

如果100mm SA 47已经被研发而且装备在车上,105mm CN 105 57炮将直接在车上。

If There was a Gun 90 mm DCA 45 mounted onto the tank the shells for it go to the depot and the gun will be replaced with the Gun 90mm F3

如果有90mm DCA 45炮在车上,炮将被 90mm F3 炮替代(13 90用的,洛林的白板炮)。


