【超测资讯】新版 9.20.1 中分房系统的改善

2017-10-29 18:26:45 神评论

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坦克世界【超测资讯】新版 9.20.1 中分房系统的改善 | Update 9.20.1 Matchmaker Improvements

Update 9.20.1 Matchmaker Improvements

新版 9.20.1 中分房系统的改善

Have you ever played Himmelsdorf against a team that has more heavies than you? Or perhaps, you’ve watched victory slip from your fingers on an open map simply because the other camp was lucky enough to have more medium tanks in their ranks. Update 9.20.1 clamps down on these frustrating scenarios by adding an extra parameter to the matchmaker: vehicle combat roles. Simply put, we taught the matchmaker to see the difference between the Maus and JS-7, for example. Now, it balances them separately. To create two evenly assembled teams, it would place the former against other heavily armoured tanks (the E-100, Type 5 HEAVY, etc.), while the JS-7 gets to face the likes of the Т110Е5 and FV215b. Let’s take a closer look!

你有没有过在 Himmelsdorf 对上重型坦克比我方还要多的队伍?或许,你只是因为对方幸运地在开阔地图上拥有更多中型坦克,所以就只能看着胜利从自己指间溜走。 9.20.1 更新透过在分房系统中加入额外参数:战车战斗角色,来全力阻止这些令人沮丧的局面。简单举例来说,我们教会分房系统看出 Maus 和 JS-7 之间的差异。现在它会个别去平衡它们。为了要建立两支组合平均的队伍,会让前者对付其它重装甲坦克 (E-100、Type 5 HEAVY… 等),而 JS-7 则要面对像 T110E5 和 FV215b 类型战车。让我们来好好地仔细看看!

How does it work?


Along with balancing teams by vehicle classes (artillery, light tanks, and tank destroyers) and Platoons, the matchmaker now looks into the intended roles each tank plays in combat and ensures each side has a similar number of vehicles that play the same role. Of course, their exact number might differ, but this difference is one vehicle at the most.

除了按照战车种类(自行火炮、轻型坦克、以及自行反坦克炮) 和“组队玩家”来平衡队伍外,分房系统现在会考虑每辆坦克在战斗中的预期角色,并确保每边发挥相同作用的战车数量相近。当然,它们的确切数量可能有所不同,但这个差异最多就一辆。

If you need a refresher on how the matchmaker works ?

The State of Matchmaking 9.18 !


9.18 老版的分房机制!

3 / 5 / 7 分房模式 ( 7 种 )








5 / 10 分房模式 ( 3 种 )




15 分房模式 ( 1 种 )



Essentially, the newly-added parameter balances out the number of autoloaders, well-protected TDs, and assault heavy tanks across teams. By distributing them evenly between the two camps, the improved matchmaker addresses another frequent concern of yours. Medium and heavy tanks are no longer distributed randomly. With classes split into smaller groups that unite vehicles with a district play style, medium tanks with a certain role are pitted against each other. The same with heavies. So you can forget about one-sided matchups with, let’s say, five Bat.-Chats duking it out with five Mauses on Steppes.

We put in extra effort to make sure balancing by a vehicle’s role does not affect the overall speed of matching. So worry not, the wait time won’t change. What should improve is the overall quality of matches as vehicle roles lower the chance of a team gaining the upper hand through sheer luck. At the same time, team setups aren’t mirrored, so every battle is a unique experience where the final outcome depends largely on tactics and teamplay.

Finally, the matchmaker tries to ensure teams are evenly assembled regarding the number of Platoon players and their vehicle tiers—its primary goal. However, it currently doesn’t balance Platoon vehicles by roles. Instead, it evens out the matchups by adding standalone vehicles to teams—if the current queue composition allows for it with no increase in the wait time. For example, if a team has a Platoon of autoloader medium tanks, the matchmaker places it against a Platoon of medium tanks. Then, it tries to add standalone autoloader tanks to the other team to even out their chances at victory. If there are no autoloaders in the queue, it will create a battle to avoid longer wait times.

基本上,新加入的参数会平衡两队的弹仓式自动炮战车、防护良好的自行反坦克炮、以及突袭型重型坦克的数量。透过把它们平均分配到两边阵营,改善后的分房系统解决了另一个各位常挂心的问题。中型和重型坦克不再随机进行分配。随着车种因游戏风格划分而统一把战车分成更小的群组,具有一定角色的中型坦克就会彼此对立。重型坦克同理。所以你可以把一面倒的组合给忘了,例如说,五辆 Bat.-Chat 和五辆 Maus 在草原上大打出手。



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