30 vs 30 玩法说明全文如下(终于找到了)

2017-08-26 15:25:26 神评论

17173 新闻导语

坦克世界 30 vs 30 玩法说明全文如下(终于找到了)

30 vs 30 玩法说明 (终于找到了)


1) 60人;

2) 只限10级车;

3) 15分钟一局;

4) 胜利:占领基地 或者 杀光;

5) 每队 分成 3部, 每部 10人;

6) 每部 有自己的 目标


1) 不是 30 vs 30 而是 (10 vs 10) vs (10 vs 10) vs (10 vs 10)???

2) 3部 分开 各打各的???上中下 3路 推塔???

New Random Battle scenario – Grand Battle


60 players in a battle, 30 per team

Only for Tier X vehicles

Battle duration: 15 minutes

Win conditions: cap the base or kill everyone


A ‘Grand Battle’ is made through the use of a Random Battle

Only X tiers can participate

You can toggle it like Assault and Encounter modes

Each team is divided into 3 subdivision, 10 players each

You can’t pick your subdivision, the matchmaker decides

The team rosters are picked using the Matchmaker 2.0 algorithms

Subdivision lineups will me possibly identical to those in the enemy team

4 arty per team

2 platoon amount difference max

If one player from the platoon has this mode enabled, the whole platoon might get into a Grand Battle


Battles will be done on the new map – Nedelburg

Map size 1.4 km x 1.4 km

Spawns are decided by subdivisions

Each subdivision has their own spawn

Each team has only one base


The battle loading screen, team list, post-battle stats and team panels were adjusted to 60 players

A team is divided into 3 subdivisions

The lineup of a subdivision can be seen by clicking it

A total team health percentage display has been added to the ally vs enemy count

Prizes, achievements, and statistics:

In Grand Battles AND X tier ONLY Random Battles you’ll be able to get Bonds.

Bonds are XP dependent

You can do personal and daily missions in this mode, thus being eligible to their rewards.

Marks of Excellence and Mastery Badges can be earned in Grand Battle

Grand Battle stats are independent from Random Battle stats

Stats from Grand Battle will have their own spot in the dossier, both general and per-vehicle


