3/2 Q&A 毛服老司机不高兴

2016-03-05 23:50:03 神评论

17173 新闻导语



今天的情报由我带来,感谢@Englishworld1 @Feel_Lose 校对

-Thereis a bug that when players change Domination/Rampage mode it doesn’t allow themto press ready after selecting a tank (crew transfers while playing those modesseem to be causing the same), Dev team is aware of it.

-在玩家选军团模式的时,选好坦克后会出现一个无法点击“准备”的bug(换车组也有这个bug),开 发 团 队已经注意到这个问题了

-Storm says that the team is focused on game balance, oldproblems and old promises.

- storm说目前团队的工作重心是游戏平衡,处理老问题,和回收旧卫星

-On players complains and requests to increase the number ofmaps, Storm says that its more likely that WoT will have less maps in thefuture. Less but better.

- 关于玩家抱怨以及要求增加地图数量的事,storm要泼冷水了,他说目前看来坦克世界的地图将会越来越少,少而精,才是坠吼滴

-A player complained that he doesn’t like the new sounds andasked if was possible to add the old sounds as an option in settings, Stormsays its not possible because 2 different schemes are difficult to maintain.

- 有个玩家抱怨说他不喜欢新的音效,表示能不能把老音效作为一个可选项放在游戏里。Storm说不行,稍微得罪你一下,因为两套音效难以维护。

-There is a 9.13 bug that doesn’t allow players to preview theirClan Camouflages, Dev team is aware of it.

- 9.13有个bug,玩家无法预览自己的军团涂装,开发团队已经发现这个问题了

-There is a surprising amount of complaints fromexperienced players who enjoy to play low tier battles, about the upcomingmodule simplification of low tier vehicles. Storm says that with was a longdesired and coordinated decision with the sole intent to facilitatebambi/beginner players. Russians players proceeded to show pictures of peoplewith less advanced mental development asking if that’s what WG think ofbeginners.

- 在放出大量简化低级车配件的计划(没收了一堆屠幼装备)后,有一大群毛服老司机抱怨。Storm认为这是萌新长期关怀计划的一部分,而老司机们做了一堆讽刺图来嘲讽WG把新手都当智障看

-Stalingrad, Kharkov and Windstorm have shown worse performance(fps) than other maps at medium settings.

- ***格勒,蛤尔科夫,冬季小镇荣膺fps最差地图三强(中等配置下)

-WG has considered and deemed acceptable that maps bay havedifferent performances due to a variety of reasons. Also, each map is tested onall presets and configurations since 9.1. The team also continuously focuses onimproving FPS.

- WG认为费舍尔湾FPS的表现差异巨大是多方面原因造成的。另外自从9.1以后,每张地图都在所有配置下测试过,开发者会继续努力提高FPS

-Dev team is aware of the minimap bug that stays locked on thelocation where the player’s tank got destroyed after switching to a teammateview.

- 开发者已经注意到小地图有个bug,在死亡之后切换到队友视角的时候,小地图依然会锁定在自己的尸体上

-Storm shown a screenshot on how the T29’s Turrets 127 mm side armor sightly “crawled” tothe roof:

- storm放了个对比图,看看T29的127mm炮塔侧面装甲是怎么“长”到头顶的


