
2016-03-02 20:50:08 神评论

17173 新闻导语




-Thereis a bug that when players change Domination/Rampage mode it doesn’t allow themto press ready after selecting a tank (crew transfers while playing those modesseem to be causing the same), Dev team is aware of it.


-Storm says that the team is focused on game balance, old problems and oldpromises.

- storm说目前团队的工作重心是游戏平衡,处理老问题,和回收旧卫星

-Russians players are sceptic and surprised that Storm suddenly becameextremely polite, Storm says that he decided to change this year and hopes toprove it.

- storm最近变得非常非常非常的文雅客气,这让俄罗斯玩家感觉非常可疑+不解。Storm自己说他希望今年能有些变化,并保持下去

-On players complains and requests to increase the number of maps, Storm saysthat its more likely that WoT will have less maps in the future. Less butbetter.


-A player complained that he doesn’t like the new sounds and asked if waspossible to add the old sounds as an option in settings, Storm says its notpossible because 2 different schemes are difficult to maintain.


-There is a 9.13 bug that doesn’t allow players to preview theirClan Camouflages, Dev team is aware of it.

- 9.13有个bug,玩家无法预览自己的军团涂装,开发团队已经发现这个问题了

-There is a surprising amount of complaints fromexperienced players who enjoy to play low tier battles, about the upcomingmodule simplification of low tier vehicles. Storm says that with was a longdesired and coordinated decision with the sole intent to facilitatebambi/beginner players. Russians players proceeded to show pictures of peoplewith less advanced mental development asking if that’s what WG think ofbeginners.

- 在放出大量简化低级车配件的计划(没收了一堆屠幼装备)后,有一大群毛服老司机抱怨。Storm认为这是萌新长期关怀计划的一部分,而老司机们做了一堆讽刺图来嘲讽WG把新手都当智障看

-Stalingrad, Kharkov and Windstorm have shown worse performance(fps) than other maps at medium settings.

- ***格勒,蛤尔科夫,冬季小镇荣膺fps最差地图三强(中等配置下)

-WG has considered and deemed acceptable that maps bay havedifferent performances due to a variety of reasons. Also, each map is tested onall presets and configurations since 9.1. The team also continuously focuses onimproving FPS.

- WG认为费舍尔湾FPS的表现差异巨大是多方面原因造成的。另外自从9.1以后,每张地图都在所有配置下测试过,开发者会继续努力提高FPS

-Dev team is aware of the minimap bug that stays locked on thelocation where the player’s tank got destroyed after switching to a teammateview.

- 开发者已经注意到小地图有个bug,在死亡之后切换到队友视角的时候,小地图依然会锁定在自己的尸体上

-Storm shown a screenshot on how the T29’s Turrets 127 mm side armor sightly “crawled” tothe roof:

- storm放了个对比图,看看T29的127mm炮塔侧面装甲是怎么“长”到头顶的

-Stormsays that SuperPershing’s Spring Equilibrator in-gamemodel isn’t like in these pictures due to technical limitations of the tank animation elements:

- Storm说超级潘兴的模型在春季的修改过后并不像图片中的这样,是因为受到坦克动态元素的限制

-Aplayer reported that there is a bug where the cap circles are going MIAand resurfacing in areas meant for other mode (Encounter), unsure if Devteam is aware of it and there wasn’t a final answer given to him:


Last week in Amsterdam at Casual Connect Europe conference, Mohamed Fadl, Wargaming esports chief spoke about World of Tanks on E-sports:


“We invested $32 million just into the top level of our esports initiative — not even on the whole infrastructure.”


“We spent $10 million the first year in 2012. We started to stream it out and said, ‘Guys, are you happy with esports?’ But we realized quite quickly that we were far from [figuring it out] because we had no idea what esports is.”


RG: Maybe some research on the matter before spending 32 Million Dollars on it would have been a logical idea?


“We have a financially strong audience, but a lot of them don’t know what esports is,” “They are older gentlemen. They’re not spending all their time on Twitch. This posed an interesting challenge because we didn’t know how — or if — we should be appealing to them with esports.”


About being on the right path: “Sadly, I can’t say we are there yet,” “Far from it. Our esports is 7-vs.7, but our core gameplay is 15-vs.15. So when a player goes to watch it, they sometimes have no connection to it because it isn’t the game they play.”


“If you [promote esports] to your audience, your most hardcore players will be interested,” “But the big audience on Twitch that has no clue about World of Tanks, they get enjoyment from the entertainment factor. This is my biggest advice. Focus on that.”


“The evolution is happening,” “We can’t control it. Twitch, YouTube Live, and Hitbox have created a new type of entertainment. If we don’t adapt to this audience, we will miss out on a lot.”


“Esports as a publisher enables us as a brand to build an entertainment source of tomorrow,”


“We don’t make money from selling tickets,” “We don’t monetize there. We monetize through the player journey. We give content that is created and digested by everyone.”



