历史学家Q&A WG早已收到C系火炮资料

2015-12-25 16:00:41 神评论0

17173 新闻导语

C系火炮会有的,那个中国伙伴早就把资料给毛子了。什么时候出?when it's done it's done!

Hello Warriors,

Yuri Pasholok, Wargaming's history consultant answered to a new Q&A:


- Of mass-produced autoloading tanks, the Kuerassier is still available for WoT, as is the Somua SM. There were plenty project-only autoloader tanks, including Soviet ones

- 关于可加入游戏的现实中存在的自动装填坦克,肯定是法国鸡了,比方说风传很久的索玛SM。而只存在于蓝图的自动装填坦克就海了去了,苏联就有不少

- The difference between T-54 and T-55 is that the T-54 comes from A.Morozov (who later returned to Kharkov) while the T-55 is purely from Nizhny Tagil. In reality, the T-55 is simply an upgraded version late T-54

- T-54和T-55之间的区别:T-54出自A.Morozov(他之后回到了乌克兰的哈尔科夫),然后T-55纯粹由下塔吉尔设计局研发。事实上,T-55只是T-54的后期升级版本

- Regarding vehicles armed with naval guns, one of them is the SU-100Y, but both the D-10T and the S-70 have naval roots

- 关于装舰炮的坦克,其中一个就是SU-100Y,但是D-10T和S-70炮和海军也有关联(巨舰大炮可比坦克早很久哦)

- The Japanese Tiger designation Heavy Tank No.VI is realistic, WG historians agreed with the Japanese

- 日本6级HT虎式是符合现实的,WG历史学家们认同这一点

- The Japanese Tiger model belongs specifically to the vehicle the Japanese bought in real life

- 日本虎模型是根据日本二战时购买的实车而特地制作的

- There are enough French heavy tank projects for second and third branch

- 有足够的资料来出法系HT二线和三线

- M.Svirin writes about a project of SU-122-44 but with a 100mm D-10 gun, called Grom-1, Yuri Pasholok cannot confirm the existence of this vehicle

- M.Svirin写了一篇关于装100mm D-10的SU-122-44计划的文章,这个计划名为 Grom-1。尤里也不能确定是否有这么个坦克存在

- Borgward EP-1 (one of Leopard prototypes) had (a bit strange) automatic loading mechanism

- 博格瓦德EP-1 (豹式原型车之一)拥有一个有点奇特的自动装填系统

- 15cm L/63 gun was planned to use in the Maus and E-100 tanks (or, rather, SPG's based on these vehicles)

- 15cm L/63主炮曾被计划安装在鼠式和E-100身上(或者更确切地说,是打算用这两种车底盘装这杆炮来做自行火炮)

- The most powerful tank engine ever made was the one of Maus

- 现实中曾制造出来的马力最强劲坦克引擎是鼠式用过的一个

- The Germans not only planned but also used (even in combat) tanks powered by wood gas generators

- 德国人不止计划过 甚至在战斗中使用过木煤气发动机驱动的坦克

- The most Soviet-refitted captured tank was the Panzer III (SU-76I)

- 被**最严重的俘获坦克是三号坦克,它被改装为SU-76I

- Norwegians only had one tank in WW2, the Belgians had several English T-15's, French ACG-1 and T-13 tank destroyers.

- 挪威在二战时仅有一辆坦克,比利时有一些英国产T-15、法国产ACG-1和T-13坦歼。

- Yugoslavs have few candidates for lowtier tanks, but after the war they designed a whole bunch of interesting tanks

- 南斯拉夫低级车实在没什么合适的候选者,但是他们在战后研发了一大堆有趣的坦克

- The info about Chinese vehicles is gained from WG's Chinese partners

- C系坦克的资料都是来自于WG的中国伙伴(咳!)

- Chinese arty branch will come (when it's done it's done), there is enough info to build it

- C系火炮会有的,那个中国伙伴早就把资料给毛子了。什么时候出?when it's done it's done!再问自杀

- If we count SPG projects as well as modern tanks, Yuri Pasholok found around 1500 vehicles in archives

- 如果把自行火炮研发计划也算进现代坦克里的话,尤里能从档案中找出差不多1500辆坦克

- For now there is no candidate for British tier 8 heavy premium

- 目前还没有Y系8级金币重坦的合适候选者

- If the planned Soviet re-arm program took place before the German attack, the Germans would be meeting the tanks such as SP-126, KV-220 and T-34

- 如果苏联大规模发展装甲部队的计划能赶在德国进攻前上马,那么德国人就能遇见SP-126, KV-220和T-34

- AMX 13 105 in WoT? Unfortunately there are no tier 10 LT's, it has the same gun as the M51 Super Sherman

- 把AMX 13 105加进WOT?你想多了诶,游戏里可没有10级LT呀,这车装的主炮可是跟M51超级谢尔曼的一样

- The M50 and M51 Israeli designations are fake: the Super Sherman is M4A1E8 and the M50 + M51 are made up by some non-Israeli historian

- 以色列的M50和M51是捏造出来的:超级谢尔曼其实是M4A1E8,而M50和M51是由一些非以色列籍历史专家造出来的

- Lorraine 40t with a 120mm gun? "Haven't seen such a thing"

- 120mm主炮的洛林40t? “爷从未见过过这种东西”

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