
2015-06-24 21:41:25 神评论

17173 新闻导语


Today's "big" topic - Storm made a post about maps. Basically he is asking the following: in his post about penetration nerf, many players whined that mediums have a hard time because now they can't penetrate heavies from the front and can't flank them either because of "corridor" maps. Storm is now asking which maps the players consider "corridor".


- The T95E6, M48A1 and M60 radioman position is historical (it can be both the commander and the loader but commander is more realistic);

- T95E6、M48A1和M60的通讯兵设置是符合史实的(车长和装填手都可以兼任通讯兵,只是车长来做更现实一些)

- Storm insists: the penetration test is just a test, not a final form of the penetration nerfs;

- Storm强调: 穿深调整只是一个测试而已,这并不是削弱穿深的最终版本

- there are plans for the next set of individual missions, there will be different tasks than the current ones;

- 有计划推出下一季的个人任务,它的任务设置和当前的个人任务会有不同

- According to some players, the automatic team search in Team Battles is not working, Storm passed it for investigation;

- 根据一些玩家反映,7/54模式中的自动队伍搜索功能不能正常运行,Storm说已经让人去调查了

- Storm was wrong when he said the reworked Prokhorovka became bigger, the size was the same. In any case, Prokhorovka will not be changed, the "reworked Prokhorovka" is an independent map used for internal testing;

- Storm之前说的“重制后普罗霍夫卡尺寸变大了”是错误的,地图尺寸并没有变化。总之普罗霍夫卡不会修改,“重制的普罗霍夫卡”只是一个内部测试的独立地图。

- The problem of Dragon Ridge map was not that it was full of corridors but the climbs the slow tanks had to suffer through;

- 香格里拉地图存在的问题不是里面有各种走廊,而是因为经常爬坡让那些慢车很难捱

- Allowing players to select maps they dont want to play would make the MM queue much longer (like 5 minutes, but this is an "expert's opinion" - WG did not really test it);

- 如果允许玩家可以选择他们不想玩的地图,会让排队时间变得更长(差不多得5分钟,但这是一个“专家的观点”———WG没有测试过这个问题)

- Average lifetime of player in battle is 4 minutes;

- 每局中玩家的平均存活时间是4分钟

- On Russian server there is now something called a "WoT starter pack" - basically it's a WoT client without most features and with tanks only up to tier 3 to get more players into the game: the client is much smaller and after they reach tier 3 they are offered to download the full client.

- 在毛服有个叫做“新手安装包”的东西——其实它就是一个阉割过的客户端,缺失很多游戏功能,而且最高只有三级车,目的是吸引更多新人来玩这个游戏:客户端很小,当他们玩到3级想继续玩下去就得去下载完整的客户端。


