内部消息 Havok引擎与切尔诺贝利地图

2015-01-24 23:09:35 神评论

17173 新闻导语


Posted on January 23, 2015 by Silentstalker

Hello everyone,


from long hiatus returns the Insider to tell us, what’s going on inside Wargaming by having a look at the group developer discussions and chain letters, that travel amongst the Wargaming employees. As always, take everything with a grain of salt, as it is the Insider’s interpretation rather than hard data.


Insider talks about Havok:


“I had known since December Havok wouldn’t come to the game yet, and perhaps this needs a further explanation:


The main reason Havok cant be in game is because of synch problems from server-client interface, it takes a very stable internet connection currently and less than half the playerbase has such (red-dotting here and there), so the slightest desynch on such causes the debris go haywire or fall to visually wrong places (server decides that debris was dropped at “x0,y0,z0″, but client displays “x3,y4,z5″). Also, as of the current version test, only high end computers can correctly run the game as desired (can’t have Soviet abaccus unable to play the “people’s game”!)

Havok不能加入游戏中的主要原因出现在“服务器 - 客户端接口”的同步问题,因为,它需要一个非常稳定的互联网连接的和当前情况下只有不到一半玩家具备这样(的网络环境)(红点时不时的出现——译者注,就是丢包的红灯),所以轻微的不同步都会导致碎片(译者注:这里应该指的是Havok引擎产生的物理运算的碎片)就会失控或掉落到错误的可视位置(服务器确认碎片丢落在在“X0,Y0,Z0”,但是客户端显示为“X3,Y4,Z5”)。此外,由于当前版本的测试中,只有高端的计算机可以满足运行游戏的正常需要(译者注:这里是一个小玩笑,意为不能放弃绝大多数人玩游戏的权力。)

So until they figure out how to optimize this, the game would be a whinefest of people going through houses that don’t get destroyed or maybe destroyed and debris not doing their “block shots” mechanic (its visually there but serverside, the debris was displayed elsewhere).”


The rest, in points:


- new Xbox map “Pacific Island” is coming, exclusively for WoT Xbox

- 新的Xbox地图“太平洋岛”即将到来,专为WOT的Xbox版本设计。

- some developers refer to Smolensk as “Chernobyl”, due to the nature of the map

- 一些开发人员参考将“斯摩棱斯克”改为“切尔诺贝利”,主要由于地图的自然风光。

- apparently, developers are not happy with the “drag queen” male voices, they are going to contract some Russian actress for girl voiceover. Voices of other nations are not clear yet.

- 显然,开发商不满意“扮装皇后”的男性声音,他们会搜罗一些俄罗斯女演员的女性配音。其他国家的声音都还不清楚。(译者注:蛋疼的女性玩家语音)

- WG is currently testing map format of 1300×1300

- WG目前正在测试1300×1300的地图格式

- Battle Assistant (the “arty mod”) is currently considered to be added into the game because “it’s less boring”, graphically decent, not dull “satellite view” and seems to have a generally good acceptance amongst players (excepting the “anti-arty jihad players”), no plans to ban the current mod either

- 战斗助手(以下简称“arty MOD”,译者注:有人提醒为“抛物线视角”,谢谢。)目前正在考虑加入到游戏中,因为“它不那么无聊”,图形体面,“卫星视图”也不呆板,似乎有一个总体上玩家接受度良好的MOD(除了“反-arty圣战的玩家“),所以目前没有计划禁止该MOD。

- at least 3 fun modes are planned for this year

- 计划今年至少出3个有趣的模式

- no plans to add “tank healers” (SS: ARV’s and such)

- 没有计划加入“坦克医生”(SS:ARV“装甲救护车”的等等)

- at some point, there will be a test of respawn mechanism

- 将来在某个时候,或许会有测试重生机制。

- maps planned for rework or removal:

- 多张地图计划返工或删除:

Hidden village (complete rework)


Mines (may get bigger, it’s uncomfortably small for end-tier tanks at the moment and it has a large amount of draws on clan wars)


Ensk (unknown)


Windstorm (unknown)


Murovanka (unknown)


- WG is aware of piracy of their images in toys and whatnot, but it’s nearly impossible to fight these (a legal money black hole) since most of these companies that prey on the WG images/products and such are Chinese bootleg makers and they are very obscure to bring into a legal court in China and are generally shortlived, so pouring money in a legal court on china would simply bear no fruits or retribution



