
2014-06-21 18:20:32 神评论

17173 新闻导语


Perhaps the silent complaint noted in the report was the lack of sufficient anti-**** weapons, be it the towed guns or ****s. In fact, one part noted that the troops would be annihilated without such weapons in case of a future attack, and endorsed research to design a more powerful anti-**** gun that would be necessary to defeat heavier armor likely to appear in the future. This lead directly to the development of the 47 mm Anti-**** Gun Type 1 and its adaptation for use in Type 97 Chi-Ha Kai.


The findings in the Nomonhan Research Report also endorsed the concept of making the anti-**** weapon the nucleus of the infantry formation, along with with suggestions for the need for a self-propelled gun as part of a comprehensive renovation of artillery. While ultimately the organic artillery of Japanese infantry divisions became so bewildering as to defy the notion of standardization, self-propelled guns did begin to appear in Japanese units. The first one, born from the fire of the Mongolian plain, was Type 1 Ho-Ni I.

诺门坎的研究报告提出一个观点:把反坦克武器作为步兵编队的核心,这个报告还建议在炮兵的全面革新中,引入自行火炮。 日本步兵师的步兵编队如此出乎意外,违背了标准化的概念,自行火炮开始出现在日本部队。第一辆是一式Ho-Ni I,来自蒙古平原的战火(忽必烈的时代么)。

Type 1 Ho-Ni I was developed by using the existing Chi-Ha chassis and engine, and replacing the gun turret with an open casemate with frontal and side armor only, while applying extra armor to the front hull. Basically, it followed the Panzerjäger idea, sticking a larger gun onto an existing **** chassis. In line with the need for both a good anti-**** weapon and self-propelled gun, Ho-Ni I was designed to operate as self-propelled artillery in the armored divisions while being armed with a relatively high-velocity gun for anti-**** purposes.

1式Ho-Ni I是利用现有的Chi-Ha底盘和发动机发展而来,并用正面只有正面和侧面装甲敞篷炮塔替换,同时应用额外的装甲前车体。基本上,它沿袭了Panzerjäger(1突)理念,将一个更大的炮装到现有坦克的底盘。根据兼具良好的反坦克武器和自行火炮的需要,Ho-Ni I在步兵师看来是设计用作自行火炮的,同时具有了一个相对高速炮的反坦克目的。

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