
2011-12-04 19:04:00 神评论

17173 新闻导语



The list of major changes between test2 and test3 of 7.0 update:
- Fixed PzVI Tiger crash model bug
- Slightly reduced the absorption of HE damage by armour for non-penetrating

HE hits
- Fixed a number of chat bugs
- Blocked the horn functionality
- Added base spots to the minimap Arctic Region.
- Fixed the work of suspension for PzVIB Tiger II tank
- Added tank company tier filter
- Fixed system message bugs when medals are received
- Fixed rare bug with game client closure while in the tank company

- Reordered game menu buttons
- Fixed bugs of turret camouflage in M6A2E1.
- Fixed IS-4 hitbox
- Team kill and team damage penalty rates set to as for v.6.7
- Reduced T40 tank destroyer repair cost
- Reduced price for APCR 105mm shell T5E1M2
- Fixed bug with invitations to clan battles
- Fixed bug with cursor disappearance
- Changed the voice notification for spotting enemy, penetrating and non-

penetrating hits
- Removed the alarm sound for enemy base capture. Reduced the volume of

alarm sound for own base capture
- Fixed the performance drop for some configurations
- Fixed the bug with tank company interface being blocked
- Fixed several spots where vehicles get stuck on Marsh map
- Fixed bug of the Ready! button in the tank company interface
- Fixed bug of sound failure in Garage after leaving a battle
- Fixed bug with 'objects in the air' on Prokhorovka map
- Removed equipment Improved Ventilation from Gw-Panther SPG
- Fixed bug with unnecessary tool tip display
- Reordered the location of some objects on Fjords map
- Fixed bug with 'objects in the air' on Steppes map
- Fixed bug with timer performance when playing recorded battle
- Increased performance of shot effects
- Fixed bugs with display of clan logo
- Fixed bug with tracer effects disappearance when 'advanced shadows' option

is enabled
- Fixed bugs with team lists: the transparency of the list, saving position

on the list at the battle start, etc.
- Fixed SU-76 tank destroyer hitbox
- Fixed bugs with display of certain shot effects
- Fixed bugs with display of special effects on AMD Radeon video cards
- Fixed bug when creating invitation list
- Fixed bug with client failure when selling tanks
- Fixed textures on Arctic Region map
- Fixed bug with display of incorrect tier for light tanks in the tank

company interface.
- Fixed bug when LMB click when playing recorded battle
- Fixed several spots where vehicles get stuck on Fisherman's Bay map
- Fixed bug with unsynchronized position of tank turret and shooting

direction when playing recorded battle
- Fixed incorrect display of armor thickness for Т29, Т34, T30, VK3601H,

KV-3, KV-220, Т-34 and some other vehicles.
- Fixed bug when unable to purchase modules in some cases
- Fixed bug with the game doesn't remember sound settings
- Fixed effects for 90mm AT Gun M3.
- Fixed the absence of clan logo for VK 3002 (DB) tank
- Fixed texture bugs for M4 Sherman turret
- Fixed conflict between tank model of PzKpfw II Ausf. J and its hitbox
- Fixed game client failure when battle chat window is active


- 修复了虎式坦克撞击时的模型错误
- 略微降低装甲对未穿透装甲的HE弹伤害的吸收
- 修正了聊天的错误
- 阻止喇叭功能
- 增加了Arctic Region MINI地图上的基地位置。
- 修正了虎王坦克的悬挂
- 增加了坦克联队战的分级过滤器
- 修正系统消息收到奖牌时的错误
- 修正在联队战时关闭客户端的错误
- 重新排列游戏菜单按钮
- 修正M6A2E1的炮塔迷彩的错误。
- 修正IS-4的打击模型
- 误伤的惩罚性利率调整到v.6.7
- 减少T40坦克歼击车的维修费用
- 降低APCR105mm T5E1M2的炮弹价格
- 修正了邀请组队战斗时的错误
- 修正了光标的消失
- 改变击中敌人,打穿和未击穿时的语音提醒
- 删除了敌人基地被占领时的报警声。降低自己的基地被占领时的报警声
- 修正了一些配置导致的性能下降
- 修正了坦克联队战界面的错误
- 修正了Marsh地图中的几个卡点
- 修正了联队战中准备就绪按钮的错误
- 修正了离开战斗后回车库的声音错误
- 修正了Prokhorovka地图上空中物体的错误
- 删除黑豹火炮的通风
- 修正了不必要的工具提示显示
- 对Fjords地图进行了一些调整
- 修正了Steppes地图上空中物体的错误
- 修正计时器性能
- 增强了射击效果
- 修正了公会标志显示的错误
- 修正了启用高级阴影模式后炮弹轨迹消失的错误
- 修正了团队名单错误。
- 修正了SU - 76***的模型
- 修正射击效果显示的错误
- 修正AMD的Radeon显卡上的一些特效错误
- 修正了创建邀请名单的错误
- 修正了客户端无法出售坦克的错误。
- 修正了Arctic Region地图纹理
- 修正了轻型坦克在坦克联队战界面中的错误分级显示。
- 修正了Fisherman's Bay题图中的几个卡点
- 修正了Т29,Т34,T30,VK3601H,KV - 3,KV - 220,Т- 34和其他一些车辆的错

- 修正了游戏不记得声音设置的错误
- 修正了 90mm AT Gun M3的效果。
- 修正 VK 3002 (DB)坦克组队标志
- 修正了M4谢尔曼炮塔的纹理错误
- 修正了PzKpfw II AusF坦克模型和其打击模型之间的冲突。
- 修正了战斗聊天窗口被激活的游戏客户端错误。


