【亚服】Update 9.19.1 Common Test 更新

2017-07-01 09:36:57 神评论

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坦克世界【亚服】Update 9.19.1 Common Test 更新预览

We've got the Update 9.19.1 Common Test kicking off on 22nd June at 18:00 UTC+8, packed full of improvements and new content. You know the drill—read up on the incoming changes, then take it for a test drive, and chime in on the forums to help us see the update through to release.

我们将于6月22日 18:00 UTC+8 开始进行 9.19.1 更新的公开测试,具有充分的改善以及全新内容。相信您知道固定步骤──研读即将到来的改变,然后再实地测试,最后到论坛上讨论以帮助我们让更新得以释出。

For this installment, we’ve focused primarily on fine-tuning the core of the game, following the feedback on 9.18. You took the time to play and explain your concerns to us, so now we are taking the time to respond to your feedback with some adjustments. The update also introduces a new training program for newcomers and 13 tank models reworked in HD. Let’s take a closer look!

对这期来说,我们主要是专注在微调游戏核心上,依照 9.18 的意见来进行。您花了时间去玩游戏,然后向我们说明您的疑虑,所以现在我们要花时间用一些调整来回应您的意见。这次更新还为新手推出了一个新的训练计画并重制 13 辆战车的模型为 HD 材质。让我们来一探究竟吧!

Matchmaking System


Platoons: 9.18 stopped SPGs from forming and joining Platoons. This limitation was a temporary measure designed to help us better measure the impact of comprehensive SPG changes. In the weeks since the launch of 9.18, we've heard a tremendous amount of feedback on this particular change. Having an.alyzed the data, we are returning SPGs to Platoons with a maximum limit of one per Platoon.

“三人组队”:9.18 起停止自行火炮组成及加入“三人组队”。这个限制是为了帮助我们更能去衡量自行火炮综合改变之影响的临时手段。自 9.18 版发布以来的几周里,我们听见了关于这个特殊改变的大量意见。在分析了资料之后,我们会以每个“三人组队”最多一辆为上限来让自行火炮回归“三人组队”。

Vehicle types: Teams that were vastly different in vehicle composition used to be among the matchmaker’s most critical issues, which couldn’t all be resolved at once. We’re fixing this in steps. Update 9.18 significantly lowered the number of poorly balanced teams by adding tank destroyers to the list of factors the system considers when assembling two teams. Most feedback said it worked just fine, with the difference in the number of artillery, light tanks and tank destroyers going down to one vehicle at most.

车辆类型: 队伍间车辆组成大不相同曾是分房系统最为严重的问题,而这无法一次就能解决。我们正在逐步修正这个问题。 9.18 版更新把反坦克炮增加到系统于组成两支队伍时要纳入考虑的要素名单,以便大幅降低平衡不良的队伍数量;多数意见表示它做起来相当良好,加上自行火炮的数量差异,最多降低到一辆的轻型坦克和反坦克炮。

However, it wasn’t enough to resolve the issue altogether. For example, a team with a scout at Tier X would be matched against one with a scout at Tier VIII, which could hardly be considered a fair situation. 9.19.1 ends this by introducing another new bit of logic that balances team makeups by vehicles types and Platoons within a tier. Every time the matchmaker creates a battle it’ll ensure both sides have a similar number of TDs, LTs, and arty on each battle tier. Let’s say, there’s a team with a TD at the top, two scouts in the middle, and an arty at the bottom. The matchmaker tries to mirror these when assembling an opposing team. Like always, if fi.nding an exact match could leave you waiting, it loosens the rules to get you into a battle quickly.

然而,它还不足以完全解决这个问题。举例来说:一队拥有 X 阶侦察车将被分配到对抗另一队的 VIII 阶侦察车,这几乎不会被认为是一个公平的局面。 9.19.1 透过推出另一种按各战斗阶级之车辆种类及“三人组队”来平衡队伍阵容的新逻辑而结束了这个问题。每次分房系统在建立战斗时都会确保双方各战斗阶级都会有相近的反坦克炮、轻型坦克、及自行火炮数量。比方说,队伍在上层有一辆反坦克炮、在中层有两辆侦察车、而在下层有一辆自行火炮。分房系统在组成敌对队伍时就会试着模仿这些。和往常一样,如果要找到完全符合的战斗会让您一直在等待,它就会放宽规则来让您更快进入战斗。

Team lists are being restructured to help you get a better read of the battle, an.alyze the opposition and plan your tactics. Vehicles are listed beginning with heavy tanks. Right below them you’ll see medium tanks, followed by tank destroyers, light tanks, all the way down to arty. Vehicles belonging to the same class are sorted by name. Those that begin with numbers come first, followed by the Latin alphabet, and then finally vehicles named in Cyrillic at the bottom.


Boot Camp


The upcoming updates will mark the introduction of a new onboarding experience, which will deploy in several stages, beginning with 9.19.1. In it, we give you Boot Camp. Down the road, we’re planning to continue evolving the experience with more new training elements.

即将到来的更新将标志着新手训练体验的推出,这将随着 9.19.1 开始分几个阶段展开。在这里,我们先给您新兵训练营。在未来,我们打算用更多新的训练元素来继续逐步发展这个体验。

This first stage of onboarding invites newcomers to explore the game’s core mechanics by playing a series of four battles, complete with tips that explain gameplay basics and tactics using different maps and scenarios. To create a smooth learning curve, Boot Camp introduces the complex Garage interface step by step.


The course guides you through the Garage one function at a time, establishing a clear path first-time tankers should follow to get battle-ready. First, you explore the absolute essentials: purchasing and upgrading a vehicle, driving, shooting, armor types, dealing with critical hits, Crew training, vehicle upgrades, and consumables. Throughout the process, you get detailed information on the elements most relevant to your current stage.


The training ends in a final challenge: a full-scale 15v15 battle where you, alongside 14 bots, fight a team of 15 AI units. And these aren’t your regular World of Tanks bots. We developed a much more advanced AI for Boot Camp.

训练会在一场最终挑战中结束:您会在 15 对 15 完整规模的战斗中,伴随着 14 名电脑,与 15 名电脑单位的队伍对战。而且这些不是您一般的《坦克世界》电脑。我们已为新兵训练开发出一种更为先进的电脑。

The onboarding experience is not just learning: you’re earning Credits, XP, equipment, consumables, and Premium Account time along the way. This will help you hit the ground running and get your hands on your first ever Tier X vehicle, fully equipped and with the skillset necessary to succeed.

训练体验不单只是学习:一路上,您可以获得银币、经验、装备、消耗品、以及加值帐号。这将有助您立即展开行动以及得到成功入手第一辆 X 阶车辆所需要的完整装备及技巧。

Boot Camp is available to new and experienced tankers alike. However, only newcomers get to keep resources they earned while learning.


Changes to Personal Missions


Update 9.19.1 rolls out a set of revised Personal Missions. Their difficulty level went up after the introduction of the improved matchmaker. The team went over your feedback and adjusted mission conditions to better reflect the current state of the game. Thanks for bringing the issue up and helping us fix it!

9.19.1 版更新推出了一套修改过的个人任务。它们在推出改善后的分房系统时的难度等级提高了。团队审视各位的意见并调整了任务条件以更能反映出目前的游戏状态。非常感谢各位提出问题来并帮助我们修正它。

New HD Models


Finally, 9.19.1 rolls out 13 tank models in shiny new HD detail:

最后,9.19.1 版推出了 13 辆崭新精致高清战车模型:















